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Equality and Family


Mentoring lettering, apply now

WoMentYou: Mentoring program for young female scientists enters the next round

An application is still possible until 26 May 2024. You can find all information on the WoMentYou site.

lettering #wirsinddivers


SAVE THE DATE: The next Diversity-Day will take place on 28 May 2024 at the TU Chemnitz. All informations can be found in the TUCaktuell article.

green ISINA-letters with colorful dots bottom

ISINA 2024: Exchange and networking across disciplines

The 9. Interdisciplinary symposium for women in STEM fields „ISINA“ is history. It took place on 13 and 14 March 2024 at Chemnitz University of Technology (TUC). You can find a review in this article of TUCaktuell .

two people hold a certificate, left Prorektorin Professorin Dr. Anja Strobel, right Prorektor Professor Dr. Maximilian Eibl

TU Chemnitz has successfully completed the diversity audit

You can find more informations in this article of TUCaktuell.

Photo of the Böttcher building on a yellow background

Gender equality program updated for the period up to 2025

The equal opportunities program of Chemnitz University of Technology has been adapted to the current requirements and tasks. You can find all information under this Link .

left side Christian Huber, right side Professor Dr. Arnold and the dispenser hangs on the wall in the middle

Free monthly hygiene articles for the first time

Faculty of Economics and Business Administration has implemented one point from its new equality plan. From now on, monthly hygiene articles will be provided free of charge in a selected toilet. You can find all the information in this article article of TUCaktuell.

Portrait of Professor Dr. Pamela Billig Mello-Carpe

Event on the International Day of Women and Girls in Science

International Day of Women and Girls in Science will be celebrated for the first time at Chemnitz University of Technology on February 2, 2024. You can find all the information in this article of TUCaktuell.

nine portrait photos of the prize winners 2023

Presentation of the prizes "Eleonore-Dießner- und Marie-Pleißner-Preise 2023"

This year's award ceremony for the Eleonore-Dießner and Marie-Pleißner Prizes of Chemnitz University of Technology took place on 16.11.2023. on the website of the TUCaktuell can you find impressions of the ceremony.

Book about the Saxon law on universities

The Next Meeting of the Equality Commission

The next meeting of the Equal Opportunities Commission will take place on 15/01/2024 at 10:00 am online.

Cover page of the brochure Extremely diverse

Exceptionally Divers
Gender and Diversity Sensitive Communication in Language and Imagery

An action recommendation [de] of the Coordination Office for the advancement of equal opportunities at Universities and colleges in Saxony.

foto of an official announcement

Regulations for Protection against and Dealing with Discrimination and Sexualized Violence at Chemnitz University of Technology

On 07.12.2020, Chemnitz University of Technology adopted the Regulations for Protection against and Dealing with Discrimination and Sexualized Violence at Chemnitz University of Technology. It can be read in the official announcement 24/2020 [de] .

left side Christian Huber, right side Professor Dr. Arnold and the dispenser hangs on the wall in the middle

Archive of "Uni Aktuell"– News with Regards to the Topic of Equality and Family

You can find all TUCaktuell articles on the topics of equality and family from previous years in our archive [de].