FE Mesh Viewer 3D

Your browser doesn''t (want to) understand the <applet> tag.
This is e.g. one of the latest "features" of Firefox - no longer to support NPAPI plugins ... (since March 2017, version 52)
# 429 #
If your browser does not support Java Applets anymore, there is also an alternate version of this program as a standalone Java application.
Please follow these instructions:
Either call this script (with full path)
or load the applet from anywhere using the command line
 java -d64 -jar /afs/tu-chemnitz.de/project/sfb393/FEM/Tools/3dviewer/StdFiles.jar
Then the program starts with a file-open dialog where you can look for any .std-mesh file and open it.

Note 1: The Directory and File selection menus (at the bottom of this Java window) are disabled in this standalone version.
Use FileOpen at top left instead (or Ctrl+O) .
Note 2: You may copy the small shell script (start3dviewer.sh) to your own bin directory to have it in your search path.
Note 3: Some Hotkeys for the menu functions:
File menuOptions menuHelp menu
Ctrl+OOpen a new fileCtrl+1dist=1x for perspective viewCtrl+VVersion info
Ctrl+CClear displayCtrl+2dist=1.5x for perspective viewCtrl+IData info
Ctrl+QQuit programCtrl+3dist=2.5x for perspective viewCtrl+AAbout