

The routine CPXchgrngval() is used to change the range coefficients of a set of constraints in the CPLEX problem object.

Return Value

The routine returns a zero on success, and a nonzero if an error occurs.


  int CPXchgrngval (CPXCENVptr env,
                    CPXLPptr lp,
                    int cnt,
                    const int *indices,
                    const double *values);


CPXCENVptr env

The pointer to the CPLEX environment as returned by CPXopenCPLEX().

CPXLPptr lp

A pointer to a CPLEX problem object as returned by CPXcreateprob().

int cnt

An integer that indicates the total number of range coefficients to be changed, and thus specifies the length of the arrays indices and values.

const int *indices

An array of length cnt containing the numerical indices of the rows corresponding to the constraints for which range coefficients are to be changed.

const double *values

An array of length cnt containing the new values of the range coefficients of the constraints present in indices.


  status = CPXchgrngval (env, lp, cnt, indices, values);

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