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English Department
Student support

Student Support Group / Department of English Studies

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Who are we?

We are a small group of Bachelor and Master students of English Studies who you can contact with any question you might stumble across during your studies.

We are a group of volunteers and always looking for new members! Just email us if you want to know more or would like to join.

What are we doing?

Student support means support by students for students. The idea is that you can come to us with any problem or question you come across within the study program, whether it is regulations or specific lectures, problems with assignments or university life in general. The chances are high that we've had the exact same problem or the exact same worry as well, so we know how you feel.

This group is also meant to be a kind of bridge between students and the department, which means you can contact us with specific feedback or criticism for classes for which you'd rather stay anonymous.

How can you reach us?

You can reach us any time at:

Download our presentation with some general information about the structure and organization of the programs and some helpful links (Stand: Wintersemester 2023/24).