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Chair of Theoretical Computer Science and Information Security
Chair of Theoretical Computer Science and Information Security

Prof. Dr. Hanno Lefmann



Born August 14th, 1955 in Detmold, Germany
1962 - 1976 elementary school and grammar school; Abitur
1976 - 1982 studies of mathematics and physics at the University of Bielefeld; diploma in mathematics
1982 - 1989 and
1990 - 1992
research assistant at the Faculty of Mathematics, University of Bielefeld
1985 doctoral degree (Dr. math.) in mathematics
1992 habilitation for mathematics
1989 visiting scientist, IBM-Scientific Center, Heidelberg
1989 - 1990 visiting professor at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Emory University, Atlanta, USA
1990 visiting professor at the Department of Mathematics, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA.
1993 visiting professor at the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Idaho, USA.
1992 - 2000 scientific assistant at the Department of Computer Science, University of Dortmund
1997 visiting professor at the Department of Computer Science, Medical University of Lübeck
1998 visiting professor at the Department of Computer Science, Humboldt-University, Berlin
1999 visiting professor at the Department of Computer Science, Technical University Chemnitz
since 2000 full professor at the Department of Computer Science, Technical University Chemnitz

Lectures and papers:

List of papers