GAMM > COMinDS > Statutes


1. Aims of the Activity Group

The activity group furthers communication and co-operation of all persons or groups from universities, schools and industry interested in Computational and Mathematical Methods in Data Science . Directly and exclusively, it looks for professional aims which contribute to the promotion and dissemination of Computational and Mathematical Methods in Data Science . The activity group represents the field Computational and Mathematical Methods in Data Science within the GAMM and cooperates with other, comparable national or international organisations. Furthers aims are given on the web pages of the activity group.

2. Membership

Any person interested in Computational and Mathematical Methods in Data Science can become a member of the activity group by applying to the board of officers. The membership needs to be confirmed by the board of officers. The membership terminates either by resignation of the member or by exclusion through decision by the board of officers. The board of officers can vote for the exclusion of a member, if that member acts contrary to the aims of the activity group or damages its reputation.

3. Organization of the activity group

The organs of the activity group are the meeting of all members and the board of officers. The meeting of all members will take place at least every two years. Each member attending the meeting has one vote. The meeting of all members is competent to pass a resolution no matter how many members are present. The meeting elects the board of officers, consisting of a chair and a vice-chair, for 3 years. Additional representatives can be elected. The chair, the vice-chair and - if applicable - the additional representatives form the board of officers of the activity group. Officers have to be GAMM members.

4. Modification of the statutes

The statutes can be modified by simple majority of votes of the meeting of all members.

5. Elimination of the activity group

The elimination of the activity group can be decided by the board of officers or the meeting of all members by a 2/3 majority.

Minutes of Meetings

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