

The routine CPXgetcoef() is used to access a single constraint matrix coefficient of a CPLEX problem object. The row and column indices must be specified.

Return Value

The routine returns a zero on success, and a nonzero if an error occurs.


  int CPXgetcoef (CPXCENVptr env,
                  CPXCLPptr lp,
                  int i,
                  int j,
                  double *coef_p);


CPXCENVptr env

The pointer to the CPLEX environment as returned by CPXopenCPLEX().

CPXCLPptr lp

A pointer to a CPLEX problem object as returned by CPXcreateprob().

int i

An integer indicating the numerical index of the row.

int j

An integer indicating the numerical index of the column.

double *coef_p

A pointer to a double to contain the specified matrix coefficient.


  status = CPXgetcoef (env, lp, 10, 20, &coef);

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