

The routine CPXfputs() can be used to write output to a file opened with CPXfopen(). The purpose of this routine is to allow user-defined output in a file to be interspersed with the output created by using the routines CPXaddfpdest() or CPXsetlogfile(). The syntax of CPXfputs() is the same as the standard C library function fputs().

Return Value

This routine returns a non-negative value if successful. Otherwise the system constant EOF is returned.


  int CPXfputs (const char *s_str,
                CPXFILEptr stream);


const char *s_str

A pointer to a string to be output to the file.

CPXFILEptr stream

A pointer to a file opened by the routine CPXfopen().


  CPXfputs ("Solved first problem.\n", fp);

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