

The routine CPXfopen() is used to open files to be used in conjunction with the routines CPXaddfpdest(), CPXdelfpdest() and CPXsetlogfile(). It has the same arguments as the standard C library function fopen().

Return Value

The routine returns a pointer to an object representing an open file, or NULL if the file could not be opened. A CPXFILEptr is analogous to FILE *type in C language.


  CPXFILEptr CPXfopen (const char *filename_str,
                       const char *type_str);


const char *filename_str

A pointer to a character string that contains the name of the file to be opened.

const char *type_str

A pointer to a character string, containing characters according to the syntax of the standard C function fopen().


  fp = CPXfopen ("mylog.log", "w");

See Also

Example lpex5.c in the CPLEX User's Manual.

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