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English and Digital Linguistics


 Digital English World-Wide:

 New Methods in Data Compilation, Management, and Analysis


 May 6-7, 2016


Altes Heizhaus

Accommodation Information Questionnaire 2011 Conf. 2012 Conf. 2013 Conf. 2014 Conf. 2015 Conf.

This small international conference combines three perspectives:

  • Chemnitz students present their BA and MA projects to a wider audience,
  • international scholars present their experience through special funding from Alexander von Humboldt, DAAD and Fritz Thyssen, and
  • international ERASMUS partners add their own specific approaches to widen the perspective

Together we would like to show that empirical studies in language variation are a fascinating topic when they emphasize cultural dimensions of English around the world. We try to combine socio-, corpus- and cognitive-linguistic perspectives and stress multiple methodological approaches to current research and applications, especially in English language teaching and academic writing.


The final programme of the conference will be made availyble in February 2016 since we have applied for funding to the Fritz Thyssen Stiftung for the guests on Saturday and to the DAAD for a possible extension on Sunday based on joint research projects with Italy, the Czech Republic and China - keep your fingers crossed.

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Friday, 6 May
13:00 Welcome & Conference Opening (Josef Schmied)

Current Research Cooperation Projects
(Chair: Cornelia Neubert, Chemnitz)

13:15 Daniel Nkemleke (Yaoundé, Cameroon / AvH Chemnitz)
Digital Corpus Compilation in an African Context: Academic Writing for Cameroon

Silvia Cacchiani (Modena, Italy / ERASMUS):
Codifying and Analysing “Voice” in Italian Academic Writing

Renata Povolna (Brno, Czech Republic / ERASMUS):
Analysing Dialogicality in Learners’ Academic Discourse

Christoph Haase (Usti, Czech Republic / ERASMUS):
Compiling and Annotating the SPACE Corpus Automatically

Josef Schmied (Chemnitz):
Extracting Data from Twitter to Analyse African English Usage

15:30 Coffee Break

Chemnitz PhD Projects (in Chemnitz Africa/Asia Symposium on English)
(Chair: Susanne Wagner, Mainz)

Jacinta Edusei (Kumasi, Ghana / KAAD Chemnitz):
Annotating Hedging in Advanced Users' of English in Ghana

Zeenat Sumra (Dar es Salaam, Tanzania / Chemnitz):
Gigitalising Spoken English in Immigrant Indian Communities in Tanzania

Adeiza Isiaka (Lagos, Nigeria / Chemnitz):
Ebira Englich Accent(s). Problems of Systematic Acoustic Analysis

Xinlei Zhang (Beijing, China / Chemnitz):
Annotating Cognitive Features in Digital Chinese MA Theses

Guo Ya (Guangzhou, China / Chemnitz):
Annotating Hedges in Chinese Academic Writing


Chemnitz MA Student Workshop (PL Research Proposal)
(Chair: Dana Beyer, Chemnitz)

... Learning

19:00 Dinner
Saturday, 7 May

New Methods in Corpus Compilation
(Chair: Josef Schmied, Chemnitz)

Gerald Nelson (Chinese University of Hong Kong; to be confirmed):
Digital Developments in ICE (International Corpus of English)

Susanne Wagner (Mainz):
Compiling and Exploiting African Newspapers on-line

11:00 Coffee Break

New Methods in Digital Data Management
(Chair: Matthias Hofmann, Chemnitz)

Thorsten Brato (Regensburg):
Digitalising an Historical Corpus of Ghanaian English

Christian Mair (Freiburg):
New Digital Language Resources and Infrastructure for English Studies: CLARIN-D

13:20 Lunch Break - Syrian Buffet

New Methods in (Small) Data Analysis 1: Grammar and Lexicon
(Chair: Dana Bayer, Chemnitz)

Magnus Huber (Giessen):
Comparing Spoken ICE Ghana

Christiane Meierkord (Bochum):
Testing Comparability of ICE Uganda in the ICE Family Digitally

16:00 Coffee Break

New Methods in (Big) Data Analysis 2: Pronunciation and Idiomaticity
(Chair: Cornelia Neubert, Chemnitz)

John Kirk (Belfast, Nordirland):
Digital Corpus Sociolinguistics, based on SPICE-Irland

Bertus van Rooy (North-West University, South Africa):
Eye-Tracking as a Methodology to Determine Nativisation in South African English

Robert Fuchs (Münster):
Comparing Digital English in Global Web-based English (GloWbE)

19:00 Final Discussion
Sunday, 8 May
09:00 For all visitor: "Bilingual trip" to Bautzen (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bautzen)