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English and Digital Linguistics

Short curriculum vitae


I received my BA and first MA in English Translation Studies in Iran and did my second master at the Technical University of Chemnitz in English and American Studies, specializing in linguistics and TESOL. My master thesis evaluated the reaction times of native and non-native speakers of English in comprehending garden-path sentences using PsychoPy. Currently, I am conducting my Ph.D. project, which is on foreign language attrition, using eye tracking methodology to collect the data.

I also taught English translation at Azad University of Iran for one academic year, and gained English teaching experience at different language institutes for several years in Iran and Germany, such as VWBI in Chemnitz.

Research interests

My research interests include (morpho-)syntax and some fields of linguistics, such as psycholinguistics and cognitive linguistics. I am also passionate about language processing, comprehension, and production.