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American Studies

Publications since January 1, 2009


Meier, Stefan. Superman Transmedial. Eine Pop-Ikone im Spannungsfeld von Medienwandel und Serialität. Bielefeld: transcript, 2015.

Hartwig, Marcel. Die traumatisierte Nation? – 'Pearl Harbor' und '9/11' als kulturelle Erinnerungen. Bielefeld:  transcript, 2011.

Tober, Antje. Hollywoodkino nach 9/11: Das Neuverhandeln von gender im Kontext von Familie. Trier: WVT, 2011.

Müller, Manuela. Trickster im Native American Film: Die Weiterführung der oral tradition. München: Martin Meidenbauer, 2009.


Keitel, Evelyne, Marcel Hartwig, and Gunter Süß. Media Economies. Perspectives on American Cultural Practices. Trier: WVT, 2014.

Graichen, Melanie and Gunter Süß (together with Cecile Sandten). Detective Fiction and Popular Visual Culture. Trier: WVT, 2013.

Keitel, Evelyne and Gunter Süß (together with Cecile Sandten). Industrialization – De-Industrialization – Industrial Heritage: Literary and Visual Representations of Pittsburgh and Chemnitz. Trier: WVT, 2009.

Scholarly Articles

Süß, Gunter. "Notizen zu einem größenwahnsinnigen Chemiker: 'Modernes Fernsehen', Medienkonvergenz und neoliberale Kultur." Eds. K.Beer and S. Busse. Modernes Leben – Leben in der Moderne. Heidelberg: Springer VS-Verlag, 2017, 65-82.

Müller, Manuela. "Lakota Sioux und Japanisch: Spurensuche nach einer transpazifischen Sprachverwandtschaft." Amerindian Research 12.3 (2017), 155-169.

Süß, Gunter. "'Tell Me Your Story, New Neighbor': Identity, Interculturality and the Life Narrative." The WEI International Academic Conference Proceedings. August 1-3, 2016, Harvard Faculty Club, Boston, USA. <https://www.westeastinstitute.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/Gunter-E.-Suess.pdf>, September 2016.

Jahn, Stefanie. "How to Read Old Maps: A Methodological Introduction." Lychnos: Årsbok för idé- och lärdomshistoria. [Annual of the Swedish History of Science Society.] (2015), 209-29.

Süß, Gunter and Marcel Hartwig. "Media Economies: An Introduction." Media Economies. Perspectives on American Cultural Practices. Trier: WVT, 2014, I-XIII.

Hartwig, Marcel. “The Allure of the Supernatural: Twin Peaks and the Transformation of the Detective Story.” Detective Fiction and Popular Visual Culture. Eds. Cecile Sandten, Gunter Süß, and Melanie  Graichen, WVT, 2013, 139-156.

--- (together with Monika Pietzrak-Franger). “Conceptions of Childhood in Renaissance Midwife Manuals: Between Naturalistic and Religious Interpretations.” Childhood in the English Renaissance. Ed. Anja Müller. Trier: WVT, 2013, 133-145.

Jahn, Stefanie. “One Big Happy Family?: Family (Staging) in HBO’s Big Love.Detective Fiction and Popular Visual Culture. Eds. Cecile Sandten, Gunter Süß, and Melanie  Graichen, WVT, 2013, 231-241.

Keitel, Evelyne. “Nicht New York, nicht Chicago, nicht LA: Das Wiederaufleben der Provinz in den amerikanischen TV-Serien der Gegenwart.” Stadt der Moderne. Eds. Cecile Sandten, Christoph Fasbender, and Annika Bauer. Trier: WVT, 2013, 199-220.

Meier, Stefan. “’Truth, Justice, and the Islamic Way.’ Conceiving the Cosmopolitan Muslim Superhero in The 99.” Transnational Perspectives on Graphic Narratives: Comics at the Crossroads. Eds. Shane Denson, Christina Meyer, and Daniel Stein. London and New York: Bloomsbury, 2013, 181-193.

--- “’It’s a Gift ... and a Curse.’ Monk or the Detective in Treatment.” Detective Fiction and Popular Visual Culture. Eds. Cecile Sandten, Gunter Süß, and Melanie  Graichen. Trier: WVT, 2013, 125-138.

Süß, Gunter (together with Cecile Sandten). “Introduction: Detective Fiction and Popular Visual Culture.” Detective Fiction and Popular Visual  Culture. Eds. Cecile Sandten, Gunter Süß, and Melanie  Graichen. Trier: WVT, 2013, 1-7.

--- “’A Detective in the House’ The Cultural and Medi©al Relevance of House M. D.”  Detective Fiction and Popular Visual Culture. Eds. Cecile Sandten, Gunter Süß, and Melanie  Graichen, Trier: WVT, 2013, 103-123.

--- “’Turn your Radio On:’ Intermediality in the Computer Game GTA: San Andreas.“ Travels in Intermedia[lity]. Ed. Bernd Herzogenrath. Hanover: Dartmouth College/University Press of New England, 2012, 211-225.

Hartwig, Marcel. “History in the Making: Lessons and Legacies of ‘Pearl Harbor’ and ‘9/11’.” REAL: Yearbook of Research in English and American Literature, Bd. 27. Eds. Christoph Raetzsch, Katharina Motyl, Winfried Fluck, and Donald E. Pease. Tübingen: Narr, 2011, 337-353.

--- “’There’s Nought so Queer as Folk:’ Andy Warhol, Gender and The Mysteries of Pittsburgh.” Industrialization, Industrial Heritage, De-Industrialization: Literary and Visual Representations of Pittsburgh and Chemnitz. Eds. Evelyne Keitel, Cecile Sandten, and Gunter Süß. Trier: WVT, 2009, 85-103.

--- “Tödlicher Sex: Funktionen des Abjekts in Stanley Kubrick’s Eyes Wide Shut.” Medienbilder - Bildermedien: Tagungsband zu den 4. Studentischen Medientagen Chemnitz. Eds. Ruth Geier and Patrick Meyer. Chemnitz: Universitätsverlag Chemnitz, 2009, 175-190.

Keitel, Evelyne and Gunter Süß (together with Cecile Sandten). “Industrialization – De-Industrialization – Industrial Heritage: Literary and Visual Representations of Pittsburgh and Chemnitz. An Introduction.“ Industrialization, Industrial Heritage, De-Industrialization: Literary and Visual Representations of Pittsburgh and Chemnitz. Eds. Evelyne Keitel, Cecile Sandten, and Gunter Süß. Trier: WVT, 2009, 1-7.

--- “Women Detectives of the American South.”  Crime and Nation: Political and Cultural Mappings of Criminality in New and Traditional Media. Eds. Immacolata Amodeo and Eva Erdmann. Trier: WVT, 2009, 67-77.

Meier, Stefan. “’Men of Steel! Women of Fire!:’ Industrialization, Urban Space, and the American Dream in Classical Hollywood Cinema.” Industrialization, Industrial Heritage, De-Industrialization: Literary and Visual Representations of Pittsburgh and Chemnitz. Eds. Evelyne Keitel, Cecile Sandten, and Gunter Süß. Trier: WVT, 2009, 65-80.

Müller, Manuela. “Trickster im Native American Film: Die Weiterführung der oral tradition [Tricksters in Native American Film: the Continuation of the Oral Tradition].“ English and American Studies in German - A Supplement to Anglia 2009. Ed. Paul Georg Meyer. Berlin and Boston, Mass:: De Gruyter, 2009, 129-131.

Süß, Gunter. “The Dark Side of Progress: Industrialization as De-Humanization in Rebecca Harding Davis ‘Life in the Iron-Mills‘.“ Industrialization, Industrial Heritage, De-Industrialization: Literary and Visual Representations of Pittsburgh and Chemnitz. Eds. Evelyne Keitel, Cecile Sandten, and Gunter Süß. Trier: WVT, 2009, 53-64.

Tober, Antje. “The Post-Industrial Pittsburgh in Flashdance: Space, Gender, and Upward Social Mobility.” Industrialization, Industrial Heritage, De-Industrialization: Literary and Visual Representations of Pittsburgh and Chemnitz. Eds. Evelyne Keitel, Cecile Sandten, and Gunter Süß. Trier: WVT, 2009, 101-115.


Hartwig, Marcel. “Buchbesprechung: Jon Roper (Ed.). The United States and the Legacy of the Vietnam War.” Amerikastudien 54.3 (2009), 527-530.

Book Series

Keitel, Evelyne (together with Cecile Sandten). CHAT – Chemnitzer Anglistik/Amerikanistik Today. Trier: WVT.