

The routine CPXgetdblparam() is used to obtain the current value of a CPLEX parameter of type double.

Appendix A, Parameter Table provides a list of parameters with their types, options and default values.

Return Value

The routine returns a zero on success, and a nonzero if an error occurs.


  int CPXgetdblparam (CPXCENVptr env,
                      int whichparam,
                      double *value_p);


CPXCENVptr env

The pointer to the CPLEX environment as returned by CPXopenCPLEX().

int whichparam

The symbolic constant (or reference number) of the parameter for which the value is to be obtained.

double *value_p

A pointer to a variable of type double to hold the current value of the CPLEX parameter.


  status = CPXgetdblparam (env, CPX_PARAM_TILIM, &curtilim);

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