

Mixed Integer Users Only


The routine CPXgetcallbacknodelp() accesses the lp pointer indicating the currently defined linear programming subproblem (LP) from within user-written callbacks. Generally, this pointer may be used only in ILOG CPLEX Callable Library query routines, such as CPXsolution() or CPXgetrows(), documented in the ILOG CPLEX Reference Manual.

CPXgetcallbacknodelp() may be called only when its wherefrom argument has one of the following values:





When the wherefrom argument has the value CPX_CALLBACK_MIP_SOLVE, the subproblem pointer may also be used in ILOG CPLEX optimization routines.

Return Value

The routine returns a zero on success, and a nonzero if an error occurs. A nonzero return value may mean that the requested value is not available.


  int CPXgetcallbacknodelp (CPXCENVptr env,
                            void *cbdata,
                            int wherefrom,
                            CPXLPptr *curlp_p);


CPXCENVptr env

The pointer to the ILOG CPLEX environment, as returned by one of the CPXopenCPLEX routines.

void *cbdata

The cbdata pointer passed to the user-written callback. This parameter must be the value of cbdata passed to the user-written callback.

int wherefrom

An integer value indicating where the user-written callback was called from. This parameter must be the value of the wherefrom passed to the user-written callback.

CPXLPptr *curlp_p

The lp pointer indicating the current subproblem. If no subproblem is defined, the pointer is set to NULL.


  status = CPXgetcallbacknodelp (env, cbdata, &curlp);

See Also

The examples admipex1.c and admipex6.c.
CPXsetbranchcallbackfunc(), CPXsetcutcallbackfunc(), CPXsetheuristiccallbackfunc(), CPXsetsolvecallbackfunc(), Advanced MIP Control Interface

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