Publications - Search: Criticality
[8]Advanced Scheduling Techniques for Mixed-Criticality Systems (), PhD thesis, Department of Computer Science, TU Chemnitz, . [bibtex] [pdf]
[7]A Novel View on Bounding Execution Demand under Mixed-Criticality EDF ( and ), In Springer Real-Time Systems (RTS), volume 57, . [bibtex] [pdf]
[6]On Bounding Execution Demand under Mixed-Criticality EDF ( and ), In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Real-Time Networks and Systems (RTNS), . [bibtex] [pdf]
[5]Introducing Utilization Caps into Mixed-Criticality Scheduling ( and ), In Proceedings of the 19th Euromicro Conference on Digital Systems Design (DSD), . [bibtex] [pdf]
[4]Bi-Level Deadline Scaling for Admission Control in Mixed-Criticality Systems (, and ), In Proceedings of the 21st IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA), . [bibtex] [pdf]
[3]The Schedulability Region of Two-Level Mixed-Criticality Systems Based on EDF-VD ( and ), In Proceedings of the Conference on Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE), . [bibtex] [pdf]
[2]Multi-layered scheduling of mixed-criticality cyber-physical systems (, , , and ), In Journal of Systems Architecture (JSA), volume 59, . [bibtex] [pdf]
[1]QoC-Oriented Efficient Schedule Synthesis for Mixed-Criticality Cyber-Physical Systems (, , and ), In Proceedings of the Forum on Specification and Design Languages (FDL), . [bibtex] [pdf]
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