Interface MatrixTransformation

All Superinterfaces:
java.lang.Cloneable, Transformation
All Known Implementing Classes:
Matrix3DTransformation, Quaternion

public interface MatrixTransformation
extends Transformation

MatrixTransformation maps coordinates from one coordinate system to another using a matrix.

Method Summary
 double[] getFlatMatrix(double[] mat)
          Gets the direct homogeneous affine transformation flattened into a 1-d arrray.
Methods inherited from interface org.opensourcephysics.numerics.Transformation
clone, direct, inverse

Method Detail


public double[] getFlatMatrix(double[] mat)
Gets the direct homogeneous affine transformation flattened into a 1-d arrray. If the mat parameter is null a double[16] array is created; otherwise the given array is used.

mat - double[] optional matrix
double[] the matrix