Interface Drawable

All Known Subinterfaces:
ByteLattice, Interactive, Measurable, Plot2D, Selectable
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractInteractive, Arrow, BinaryLattice, BoundedShape, ByteRaster, CellLattice, CellLatticeOSX, CellLatticePC, Circle, ComplexDataset, ComplexGridPlot, ComplexInterpolatedPlot, ComplexSurfacePlot, ContourPlot, DataRaster, Dataset, DatasetManager, DrawableBuffer, DrawableGroup, DrawableShape, DrawableTextLine, FunctionDrawer, GrayscalePlot, Grid, GridPlot, Histogram, InteractiveCircle, InteractiveLabel, InteractiveShape, InterpolatedPlot, MeasuredCircle, MeasuredImage, Protractor, SiteLattice, SurfacePlot, TextBox, Trail, TrailBezier, TriangularBinaryLattice, TriangularByteLattice, VectorPlot

public interface Drawable

Drawable objects draw themselves in a DrawingPanel.

Method Summary
 void draw(DrawingPanel panel, java.awt.Graphics g)
          Draws a representation of an object in a drawing panel.

Method Detail


public void draw(DrawingPanel panel,
                 java.awt.Graphics g)
Draws a representation of an object in a drawing panel.

panel -
g -