Benchmark "kuglCsi" : contact boundary

Picture 1: coarse mesh

Picture 2: u_x displacement

Picture 3: u_y displacement

Picture 4: u_z displacement

Picture 5: 12th adaptive mesh refinement

Picture 6: 12th adaptive mesh refinement with isolines

Picture 7: following picture shows the contact pressure after 4th and 15th mesh refinement

Picture 8:

Picture 9:

Picture 10:

Material coefficients:E-Modul ny
200 0.3
volume force : f
Boundary conditions:
Dirichlet-type: contact boundary: three coordinate planes
Neumann-type: --

Typical behavior of estimated relative error:
(Das typische Verhalten des geschaetzten rel. Fehlers)

here some RUNs with times / iteration numbers / etc.