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Human Resource Management and Leadership Studies
Human Resource Management and Leadership Studies 

Welcome to the Chair of Human Resource Management and Leadership Studies!

News about teaching

Dear students, you can find all relevant information on our teaching and related assessment on "OPAL" - our online platform for academic teaching and learning: https://bildungsportal.sachsen.de/opal


We are very pleased to welcome Dr. Simeon Muecke as a new team member at our chair as of February, 1. Dr. Muecke recently completed his PhD at University of Paderborn with 'summa cum laude'. His research interests lie in the areas of Work Design (Job Autonomy) and Leadership (Empowering Leadership). He has a strong expertise in quantitative research methods, especially in the application of structural equation modeling and meta-analysis. In addition, he has extensive practical experience in senior HR roles. We warmly welcome Simeon and wish him all the best in his new role!


News on Research

We are very pleased to welcome Dr. Simeon Muecke as a new team member at our chair as of February 1. Dr. Muecke recently completed his PhD at Paderborn University with 'summa cum laude'. His research interests lie in the areas of Work Design (Job Autonomy) and Leadership (Empowering Leadership). He has a strong expertise in quantitative research methods, especially in the application of structural equation modeling and meta-analysis. In addition, he has extensive practical experience in senior HR roles. We warmly welcome Simeon and wish him all the best in his new role!


We are delighted that our submitted full paper has been accepted at the EURAM (European Academy of Management) conference 2024 on „Fostering Innovation to address Grand Challenges“ to be held in Bath, UK: The paper „Addressing sustainability through HRM practices: A qualitative study of HRM configurations in small and medium-sized family firms“ will be presented in the „Sustainable HRM and New Ways of Working“ Track (Co-Authors: Hanna Sauer (PhD candidate), Prof. Dr. Nina Katrin Hansen & Prof. Dr. Juani Swart).


From 20.-22.09.2023 our team took part at the Autumn Workshop of the Commission “Personnel Management” (WK Pers) within the “German Academic Association for Business Research” (VHB) which took place at the ESCP Business School and the Harnack-Haus in Berlin. Our newest short paper was presented: „Antecedents and adoption of a Common Good HRM approach in small- and mediumsized family firms“ (Co-authors: Hanna Sauer (TUC), Prof. Dr. Nina Katrin Hansen (TUC)). Furthermore, Prof. Dr. Nina Katrin Hansen and Prof. Dr. Kai Bohrmann (University of Bielefeld) organized the Early Career Workshop for Post-Docs and Asisstant Professors. A big "thank you" to our three excellent guest speakers and also to the organizers, Prof. Marion Festing and her team, for hosting a great conference!


From 28.-30.09.2022 our team took part at the Autumn Workshop of the Commission “Personnel Management” (WK Pers) within the “German Academic Association for Business Research” (VHB) which took place at the ESCP Business School and the Harnack-Haus in Berlin. The following full papers were presented: 1) "Hybrid Forms of Human Resource Management Systems: A Qualitative Study of Family Firms in Germany" (Co-authors: Hanna Sauer (TUC), Prof. Dr. Nina Katrin Hansen (TUC)). 2) "The Influence of Leaders on Meaningful Work During Working From Home: A Qualitative Study" (Co-authors: Simon Fronczek (TUC), Hanna Sauer (TUC), Prof. Dr. Nina Katrin Hansen (TUC)). Furthermore, Prof. Dr. Nina Katrin Hansen and Prof. Dr. Erk Piening (University of Hannover) organized the Early Career Workshop for Post-Docs and Asisstant Professors on "Scientific Careers: How, where and why?". A big "thank you" to our two excellent guest speakers and also to the organizers, Prof. Marion Festing and her team, for hosting a great conference!


June 2022: We are very happy to announce that Simon Fronczek (PhD and Research Assistant at the Chair BWL6) has won the Best Reviewer Award of the Organizational Behavior Special Interest Group (OB SIG) at the Euram 2022. Well done Simon and many congratulations to this great external recognition!


We are delighted that both of our submitted full papers have been accepted at the EURAM (European Academy of Management) conference 2022 on „Leading Digital Transformation“ to be held in Winterthur, Switzerland: 1) The paper „A Qualitative Empirical Analysis of the Influence of Virtual Leaders on Their Employees‘ Perception of Meaningful Work“ will be presented in the „Positive and Negative Organizational Behavior“ Track (Co-Authors: Simon Fronczek (PhD candidate), Hanna Sauer (PhD candidate) & Prof. Dr. Nina Katrin Hansen). 2) The paper „Human Resource Management System Hybrids in Family Firms: A Qualitative Study of Small and Medium-Sized Companies in Germany“ will be presented in the „Family Business Research“ General Track (Co-Authors: Hanna Sauer (PhD candidate), Prof. Dr. Nina Katrin Hansen as well as a successful MSc student group from our recent research application project - Julia Kulachek, Christoph Maurer and Luisa Reichel).


From 15.-17.09.2021 our team took part at the Autumn Workshop of the Commission “Personnel Management” (WK Pers) within the “German Academic Association for Business Research” (VHB) which took place in Düsseldorf. The following new projects were presented: 1) "New Career Models and Related HRM Practices in the Digital and Post-Corona Age: The Case of Communication Agencies in Germany" (Co-Autoren: Prof. Dr. Nina Katrin Hansen (TUC), Jens Hoffmann (TUC & fischerAppelt), Prof. Dr. Michael Smets (Saïd Business School, University of Oxford)). 2) "Challenges and Relevance of a Sustainable HRM Approach for Law Enforcement Agencies in the Post-Covid Era: The Empirical Case of a German State Ministry" (Co-Autoren: Prof. Dr. Nina Katrin Hansen (TUC), Hanna Sauer (TUC), Prof. Dr. Juani Swart (School of Management, University of Bath)). Furthermore, Prof. Dr. Nina Katrin Hansen and Prof. Dr. Erk Piening (University of Hannover) organized the Early Career Workshop for Post-Docs and Asisstant Professors on "International Career Options". A big "thank you" to our two excellent guest speakers and also to the organizers, Prof. Süß and his team, for hosting this great conference in these special times and for implementing such a rigorous hygiene concept so we all felt very safe!


Beginning on 01.10.2020 Prof. Dr. Nina Katrin Hansen has been elected as new Commissioner for Young Scholars (Nachwuchsbeauftragte) of the Scientific Commission “Personnel Management” (WK PERS) within the “German Academic Association for Business Research” (VHB) and is looking forward to working with Prof. Dr. Erk Piening (University of Hannover) in this important role.


From 17.-18.09.2020 our team took part at its first conference together: the Autumn Workshop of the Commission “Personnel Management” (WK Pers) within the “German Academic Association for Business Research” (VHB) which took place in Düsseldorf this year. Dr. Simone Schmid und Dr. Julien Bucher presented their paper on „Exploring leadership configurations in extreme situations – Fighting the heroic leader through informal team leadership on the sharp end?!” and Prof. Dr. Nina Katrin Hansen chaired the related session. A big "thank you" to the organizers, Prof. Süß and his team, for hosting this great conference in these special times and for implementing such a rigorous hygiene concept so we all felt very safe!
