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Declaration on Data Protection for Chemnitz University Press

This declaration on data protection informs you in supplement to the general indications on data processing by Chemnitz University of Technology about manner, scope and purpose of processing of person-related data which you are providing to Chemnitz University Press within the publication of process of your publication.

For reasons of better legibility, the generic masculine form will generally be used in the following. All personal designations apply to persons of any gender.

I. Name and contact data of person responsible

Chemnitz University of Technology
represented by the President: Prof. Dr. Gerd Strohmeier
Straße der Nationen 62
09111 Chemnitz, Germany
email: rektor@tu-chemnitz.de
phone: +49 371 531-10000
web: https://www.tu-chemnitz.de

In case of inquiries with regard to this declaration on data protection of related data processing procedures or in case you would like to make use of the rights accorded to you, you are welcome to address to us at any time:

Director of the University Library
Angela Malz
Straße der Nationen 33
09111 Chemnitz, Germany
phone: +49 371 531-13100
email: service@bibliothek.tu-chemnitz.de.

II. Contact data of Data Protection Commissioner

III. Information on data processing

1. Scope and purposes of processing of person-related data

The processing of person-related data applies to each procedure with or without automatic procedures or each of such chains of procedures in relation to person-related data such as the raising, the collection, the organization, the arrangement, the recording, the adjustment or changing, the selection, the retrieval, the usage, the disclosure by transfer, dissemination or another manner of provision, matching or combination, limitation, deletion or destruction.

Chemnitz University of Technology, University Library/University Press – in the following just Chemnitz University Press – records in this context by conclusion of a publishing/editor contract under private law the data for the author and publisher administration with the purpose of publication of a book resp. a journal.

2. Legal basis of processing of person-related data

The legal basis for the processing of person-related data is represented by art. 6 section 1 p. 1 let. b) General Data Protection Regulations (DSGVO) in conjunction with a contract/editor contract (see also § 5 as well as supplement to § 5 of the Usage Regulations of University Press of Chemnitz University of Technology in the respectively current version).

3. Duration of recording (deletion of data – limitation of recording)

The person-related data processed by us will exclusively be stored in a manner enabling the identification of persons concerned as long as this is required for the purposes for which they are processed. Trading books, inventories, status reports, vouchers etc. have to be mandatorily be stored for 10 years according to §§ 147 section 1 AO, 257 section 1 no. 1 and 4, section 4 Code of Commercial Law (HGB), commercial letters received and sent, in contrast, for 6 years according to § 257 section 1 no. 2 and 3, section 4 HGB. In those cases, the data are not deleted but the data processing is just limited, which means that those data are blocked and not being used for other purposes.

4. Categories of processed data

  • name, first name
  • mail address private or professional (invoice address)
  • deviating shipping address, if applicable
  • phone number
  • email-address

5. Recipient of the person-related data

The processing of person-related data is just done by the following mentioned natural/ legal persons:

  • University Press, Chemnitz University of Technology,
  • University Library, Chemnitz University of Technology,
  • University Computer Center, Chemnitz University of Technology,
  • University Administration, Chemnitz University of Technology,
  • Books on Demand (BoD) in its function as service provider for printing and distribution.

Person-related data are not forwarded to third-parties neither transferred to another country of the European Union resp. a third-country nor to an international organization.

6. Data security

By consideration of the state of technology, the implementation costs, the manner, the scope and the purpose of the processing as well as the probability of occurrence and the severity of dangers for the legal assets of persons concerned related to this processing, we have taken the appropriate technical and organizational measures for assuring a security level adjusted to the risk during the processing of person-related data, in particular regarding the processing of specific categories of person-related data. This includes, irrespective of the measures mentioned in art. 25 (data protection by technical design and by data-friendly presetting), 32 (security of processing), 36 (prior consultation) DSGVO:

  • to assure that it may subsequently be assessed and determined whether and by whom person-related data were entered, changed or deleted,
  • to sensitize and train persons involved in data processing procedures.

Corresponding technical guidelines and recommendations of the Federal Office for Security in Information Technology (BSI) are insofar taken into account. This applies particularly to the IT-basic security provided by the BSI.

7. Legal/ contractual requirements for the provision of person-related data and impacts of non-provision

The provision of person-related data is required for the conclusion of the contract so that you are obliged to cooperate by providing the person-related data. The consequence/ impact of non-provision of your person-related data would be that the conclusion of a publisher/editor contract under private law as mentioned above would not be possible.

IV. Rights of the person concerned

In case that the necessary requirements are provided, you may make use of the subsequently mentioned rights as person concerned towards the responsible: right of information, right of correction, right of deletion (right of becoming forgotten), right of processing limitation, right of instruction, right of data transfer, right of objection, right of cancellation of the declaration of consent regarding data protection, right of not being subjected to an exclusively automated decision procedure as well as right of appeal to a supervisory authority. For more detailed information and explanations regarding your rights as person concerned, please consult our general declaration on data protection: https://www.tu-chemnitz.de/tu/datenschutz.html.en.

V. Currency of this declaration on data protection

This declaration on data protection is currently valid and as of April 2023.