UB Chemnitz
Gitlab TU Chemnitz

DIN ISO 690:2013-10

Since October 2013, there has also been a generally applicable rule in Germany for citing information resources of all kinds and thus also for citing websites: DIN ISO 690:2013-10 „Information and Documentation - Guidelines for Title Indications and Quotations of Information Resources“

The Ingolstadt University of Technology has presented this standard in detail in a handbook: https://bit.ly/2GfaTrj

You can access this standard , for example, via the "Perinorm-Online" database. Chemnitz University Library has licensed this database and you can access it via our database information system (DBIS). Within the university network, this database gives you access to the full text of DIN ISO 690:2010.

Basically, the following applies: The quick and unmistakable retrievability of the source by another person using the information contained in the quotation according to the following pattern is elementary:

AUTHOR / INSTITUTION. Title of the document [online]. Date [accessed on: ...]. Available under: URL

Specialist regulations of the departments may deviate from this. Please inform yourself and observe these guidelines!