UB Chemnitz
Gitlab TU Chemnitz

Use Boolean operators

Your homework topic does not only consider one search aspect? You can combine your search terms to cover several aspects at the same time. To link your search terms, set the Boolean operators :


You get hits in which both terms occur.


You get hits in which either one or the other or both search terms occur.


You get hits that contain one term but not the other.

Of course, you can also combine these operators.

This table illustrates how you can use Boolean operators to combine search terms from your table in a search:

Aspects Communication Company
Synonyms Communication process, information process Company, business, enterprise
Generic term language theory business management
Narrower terms Science communication, public relations, non-verbal communication, internal company communication Technology companies, Small companies, Medium-sized companies
Related Terms semiotics, sender (communicator), receiver (recipient), information Legal form, entrepreneur, personnel requirements planning, procurement logistics
Abbreviations SME
Translation Kommunikation Unternehmen, Firma

vertical terms are linked with OR


horizontal terms are combined with AND