University News: Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Let`s run for TU Chemnitz
On the 4th September the TU Chemnitz has the chance to win back the title "most sportive company” on the occasion of the Firmenlauf Chemnitz - Teams may sign up in the Public Relations Department
The voices behind youth unemployment
A Student network group of Chemnitz University of Technology is pioneering a European Project on "Reenergizing European Society and Youth unemployment” in cooperation with the New Club of Paris
Doing a doctorate and being a parent - a challenge for international PhD students
Regulars` table informs about child care possibilities in Chemnitz on July, 3rd
Career Days: Three Universities, Two Countries, One Goal
Career perspectives in the Saxon-Czech border area: Chemnitz University of Technology welcomes 60 students from the Czech Republic on April 25th and 26th under the slogan "Career Without Borders"
Career Service Website now available in three languages
International students will find it even easier now to access information on career planning and job entry
On behalf of Chemnitz University of Technology to Bangkok
Master- and PhD-students can apply for one of four places for participants at the 1st AC21 International Graduate School until 15.03.2013
A future in Saxony
Careers guidance for students and graduates, with up-to-date reports on industry sectors
City rally, Guided tower tour and Welcome party
Chemnitz University of Technology welcomes its new international students for the winter semester 2011/2012 with a several-days-lasting program