University News: Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Medicine and Efficiency
TUC graduate Jennifer Hohmann investigated the tension between medical profession and management tasks and was subsequently awarded the Marie-Pleißner-Prize
More diversity as an opportunity and enrichment
Regionally rooted, internationally networked: The number of foreign students and PhD students has risen again – Rector has signed the “Chemnitz Charter for Diversity“ on the 5th of February 2015
For more start-ups in the science region of Chemnitz
Start-up network SAXEED launches a new project from the Center for Knowledge and Technology Transfer of TU Chemnitz with approximately two million euros provided for this purpose until 2017
From Chemnitz to the stock market city of Frankfurt
TU graduate Ingolf Zschockelt can look back on an impressive career, which among other things, enabled him to work as an auditor and consultant on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange
TU Chemnitz presents itself in Hawaii
Duc Anh Pham Thi, TUC graduate, treated in her Master’s thesis a topic which has been presented at the international conference HICSS in Hawaii
Positive study assessment at TU Chemnitz
Study quality monitor: students praise teaching quality, technical equipment, service and general conditions in Chemnitz
Create added value with knowledge
Rector Prof. Dr. Arnold van Zyl takes a positive view of recent developments and thanks all the members and partners of TU Chemnitz
New at TU Chemnitz: Centre for Young Researchers
Umbrella organization is appointed to fulfill tasks around the promotion of young scientists more professionally and in a more demand-oriented manner
TU Chemnitz invites to the Courtyard Festival
Again music, entertainment and sweets in a convivial rural setting will ring in the upcoming Advent season on December 3rd 2014
The Science Calls
TU Chemnitz sets a signal for the promotion of young female scientists with the Eleonore-Dießner- and Marie-Pleißner-Prizes for outstanding final papers of the students
German Football attracts highly-qualified students
Since 3 years, Hassan Dayoub lives at Chemnitz and was current-ly awarded with the prize of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) for outstanding performances
How to sell electricity?
After Manuela Künzel completed her studies in Business Administration, she also undertook a part-time program at TU Chemnitz – Today she works as a team leader at the energy company enviaM
When students and researchers become ambassadors
A network with promising perspectives: The “1st German-Arab Network Meeting” hosted by TU Chemnitz bridges between the Science Region Chemnitz and the Arab region
A High Demand for Master Programs
Record number of enrollments at TU Chemnitz: For winter semester 2014/2015 3,148 new students have been enrolled – a high intake in Master’s degree programs and from abroad
„Good Teaching is Alive!“
On 27th November 2014, the 2nd Day of Teaching brings the „Mission Statement for Teaching“ again into focus - Students and teaching staff are invited to participate – registration is now possible
Skilled Personnel for the Region
On 13th October 2014, 53 students received the Germany Scholarship and used the opportunity to establish contacts to their sponsors
25 Presidents from Arab universities will visit TU Chemnitz
TU Chemnitz is hosting the “1st German-Arab Network Meeting” from 26-28 October 2014 – Further strengthening of the collaboration between the Science Region Chemnitz and the Arab region
Adventurous studies have many faces
Welcome to Chemnitz: the representatives from the city, university, culture and many partners of TU Chemnitz welcomed the newly enrolled students during the Formal Enrollment Ceremony
Young researchers from all over the world are welcome in Chemnitz
For the first time Technische Universität Chemnitz offers a “Scientist in Residence Scholarship” with 2,000 Euro per month – Application deadline: December 19th, 2014
Technische Universität Chemnitz internationally highly appreciated
International students at TU Chemnitz award outstanding assessment results to their university within a survey implemented by the DAAD at universities throughout Germany