University News: Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Family-friendliness is an Important Location Factor
TU Chemnitz, Saxony’s first family-friendly university, has once again proven that it deserves its good reputation
Global Innovative Networks
Premiere: The „AC21 International Forum“ will take place from 30 April to 3 May 2016 at Chemnitz – Registration open
A Celebration in Cap and Gown
The next Graduation Ceremony will take place on April 9th, 2016 – Registration is now open
A Further Bridge Built Between Poland and Germany
The Federal Cluster of Excellence MERGE is preparing together with partners from Opole and Wroclaw the "1st Polish-German Bridge Conference"
A Strong Network between University, Industry and City
The Technische Universität Chemnitz takes a positive view of the year 2015 and would like to thank all those who have contributed to the success
Innovative networks in the global context
Call for proposals for presentations and panels for the “AC21 International Forum” happening at Chemnitz from 30 April to 3 May 2016 is open from now on
10.000 Dollar for international network projects
International network AC21 calls for proposals within the competition “Special Project Fund 2016”
“Art and University”
The 2016 university calendar is published – the images are from education students and one TU graduate
The First TU Christmas Market Opens its Doors
On December 3rd, the TU Chemnitz invites all to the opening of the first TU Christmas Market in the plaza in front of the Weinhold-Bau
“Universities for Openness, Tolerance and Against Xenophobia”
Technische Universität Chemnitz supports national initiative of the German Rectors’ Conference
Better Orientation is on the Way
A direction sign programme will be introduced at the TU Chemnitz – The winner of the design-competition is the agency Neongrau from Dresden
Sustainability is the Main Focus
The former European Commissioner Janez Potocnik and Thomas Schmidt, Saxon State Minister for Environment and Agriculture, visited the TU Chemnitz and the Fraunhofer IWU on 31st October 2015
Wanted: Qualified International Graduates for Jobs in Germany
25 selected students have the opportunity to attend informative workshops, events and to meet employers in order to be prepared for their job entry in Germany
TU Chemnitz Presents New Downtown Shopping Location
The Unishop has relocated to Straße der Nationen 62 – Through October 23rd, customers can enjoy an 18.0% discount
Promotion and Implementation of Personal Ideas
Eleven questions for Jun.-Prof. Dr. Mario Geißler, who holds the Junior Professorship of Entrepreneurship in Business Creation and Succession Management since December 2013
Winter Semester with 96 Degree Programs
TU Chemnitz invites all new students to the Enrollment Celebration on October 8th, 2015 and to the subsequent party in the Stadthalle
Interculturality in the First Place
The ninth American-African-European Summer and Winter School is opened – and provides a varied program for national and international students
Emergency Housing on Campus
TU Chemnitz makes the Sports Hall available as temporary housing for 250 asylum seekers on short notice - camp beds were set up with the help of the German Red Cross and TU employees
For Increased Safety in Gas Supply Systems
TU Chemnitz graduate Tilo Beyer headed overseas projects for years in the field of chemical plant construction and recently took over the EVD GaswarnAnlagen GmbH
Better Together Than Alone
Even during the lecture-free period the Lern|Raum is there for students with its offerings in all study phases and all departments