University News: Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Practical project in a global company
Students of the Chemnitz University of Technology and the Continental AG complete an innovative business-intelligence project
On behalf of Chemnitz University of Technology to the AC21 International Graduate School 2017 to Indonesia
Apply now until the April 05, 2017, for one of the places for participants of Chemnitz University of Technology in the Graduate School at Gadjah Mada University Yogyakarta from July 10 till 15, 2017
Second Edition of „TUCdialogue“ published
The information letter of the Chemnitz University of Technology supports the dialogue especially between decision-makers from politics and disseminators of economy and society
AC21 – a vivid and active network between strong partners
Student delegation from the University of Minnesota visits the Chemnitz University of Technology on March 15, 2017
Wanted: Cultural Ambassador for Chemnitz
The city of Chemnitz is currently looking for cultural ambassadors for the program council and the preparations for the application as “European Capital of Culture 2025”
Support for Researchers in Danger
Professors of the Chemnitz University of Technology are called on to participate in the Philipp Schwartz-Initiative
First Edition of „TUCnetwork“ published
New newsletter informs alumni and members of the Society of Friends of the Chemnitz University about current developments
A semester abroad with Erasmus+
Students can still apply for a semester abroad during the winter term 2017/18 or the summer term 2018 until March 31, 2017
New Campus Plaza is coming
Construction work at Reichenhainer Straße enters the hot phase on March 6, 2017 – keep in mind the traffic restrictions
Ecosystems for founders compared
A study of the Chemnitz University of Technology provides varying regional framework conditions for Start-Ups in Saxony and compares them to Start-Up strongholds such as Berlin, Hamburg and Munich
10.000 Dollar for International Network Projects
International network AC21 calls for proposals within the competition “Special Project Fund 2017”
New Task Force Shall Support and Accompany “Lighthouse Projects”
Optimal framework conditions for successful application will be developed in working groups – within the strategy for excellence “Chemnitz Cluster+” supports applications
The Erzgebirgsbahn Receives Recognition from the Federal President
„EcoTrain“ develops a hybrid drive for rail vehicles ready for series production – Professorship of Management Accounting and Control at TU Chemnitz is project partner and assesses sustainability
Time to Go Abroad – Time to Get Informed
The International Office‘s (IUZ) "International Day" takes place on November 9, 2016
“TU Chemnitz is the Most International University in Saxony”
The number of international students in Chemnitz is still increasing – TU Chemnitz is a cosmopolitan university in a welcoming city
New University Leadership Determined
Three Vice Presidents were elected by the Senate to five-year terms in office
City rally, Guided Tour of the Kaßberg and Welcome Party
The orientation week for more than 400 newly enrolled international students of TU Chemnitz finished with a welcome dinner
Third-party Funding: TU Chemnitz Nationwide Among the Top Ten
The university was able to procure more than 74 million euros in 2014 – The TU Chemnitz is in 7th place nationwide based on proceeds per professor
Free Admission for Chemnitz Students
Beginning October 1, 2016, the Kulturticket (Culture Ticket) will take effect – free tickets to museums – and Theater fans can hope for last-minute seats
When Chemnitz Throws a Party, the Uni is Right in the Middle
The TU Chemnitz participates in the Chemnitz City Festival on August 27, 2016 with a variety of different entertainment acts and offers