University News: Wirtschaft
Wanted: Qualified International Graduates for Jobs in Germany
25 selected students have the opportunity to attend informative workshops, events and to meet employers in order to be prepared for their job entry in Germany
For Increased Safety in Gas Supply Systems
TU Chemnitz graduate Tilo Beyer headed overseas projects for years in the field of chemical plant construction and recently took over the EVD GaswarnAnlagen GmbH
International Symposium in the Field of Lightweight Construction
Manufacturing processes suitable for large-scale production of lightweight structures are key technologies – The Federal Cluster of Excellence MERGE invites to the IMTC 2015
Charisma Far Beyond the Region
Members of the Excellence Council of the Federal Cluster of Excellence MERGE - Merge Technologies for Multifunctional Lightweight Structures caught up on the current state of research
More Than Just Financial Assistance
Marco Müller studies Lightweight Engineering at the TU Chemnitz and receives for the second time the Germany Scholarship
Chemnitz’s Cutting-Edge Research Grows Even More International
Federal Cluster of Excellence MERGE of the TU Chemnitz is an important stimulus for sustainable development in the field of lightweight construction
The Research Complex of the Federal Cluster of Excellence will be expanded
Finance Minister Unland: “One of the most important milestones for top-level research in Saxony is achieved with the construction of the MERGE-machine” - Two more construction phases are to follow
German–Polish Bridge Building
Delegation from Opole as a guest at the Technische Universität Chemnitz - Appointment of Prof. Dr. Marek Tukiendorf to the Excellence Council of the Federal Cluster of Excellence MERGE
Luminosity from the Printer
SIOD GbR, a founding team of the Professorship of Digital Printing and Imaging Technology, receives the Chemnitz „Start-up Package“ for company founders
In Focus: Your Professional Future
For the Day of Industry and Science on the May 20th, 2015, the WIK-Chemnitz Career Fair offers contacts to companies for jobs, internships and thesis topics as well as an extensive supporting program
Printed speakers make the photos sound
The Institute for Print and Media Technology provided a picture book with printed electronics at the World Press Photo competition and, thus, created for each winning photograph a sound environment
Young scientists create innovative technologies
After gaining a degree in mechanical engineering, TUC graduate Oliver Georgi received the Intec Award for his diploma project
Electric vehicle range in 450,000 kilometer real-world test
Psychologists at TU Chemnitz have explored the conditions under which electric mobility can also work under particularly challenging range demands of users
Vivid transfer in the Cluster of Excellence
Scientists of the Federal Cluster of Excellence MERGE presented their latest research results during the meeting of the Industrial Advisory Board
From university research to self-employment
After receiving his doctorate, Dr. Jörg Nestler has made a seamless transition to his own executive chair – the spin-off company BiFlow Systems GmbH was also supported by the start-up network SAXEED
For more start-ups in the science region of Chemnitz
Start-up network SAXEED launches a new project from the Center for Knowledge and Technology Transfer of TU Chemnitz with approximately two million euros provided for this purpose until 2017
Record Measurement in Heavy-Experimental Field
The ATS Elbtalwerk GmbH Dresden instructed the Professorship of Electrical Energy Conversion Systems and Engines at TU Chemnitz in examination of a direct current machine weighing 3.1 tons
Load securing at the push of a button
Saxon enterprises and research institutes in the fields of logistics, materials handling and textile industry developed an automated load securing system for parcel services
Skilled Personnel for the Region
On 13th October 2014, 53 students received the Germany Scholarship and used the opportunity to establish contacts to their sponsors
Recognition for Outstanding Commitment
Nico Keller studies Mechanical Engineering at TU Chemnitz and receives for the third time Germany Scholarship