University News: Studierende
100 Years of Women Studying in Chemnitz
Where just three women began, today more than 5,089 women are enrolled - various grants and promotions have helped to increase the representation of women at the TU Chemnitz
180th Anniversary Ceremony
Many speakers congratulated the TU Chemnitz on its important birthday – guests of the AC21 International Forum also took part in the celebration
Students Benefit from International Network
The TU Chemnitz has arranged a student exchange program with Nanjing University of China – the contract signing occurred during the AC21 International Forum
Competitions, Shows and Lots of Music
On May 3, the Campus and Sport Fest will take place on the TU Chemnitz campus – The lively program aims to entertain university members and guests and centers on the TU’s 180th Anniversary
Successfully Networked
Saxony’s State Minister for Higher Education, Research and the Arts Dr. Eva-Maria Stange Praises TU Chemnitz for Extensive International Cooperation ahead of the "AC21 International Forum"
University in a Different Way – the ImproShow
Prospective primary school teachers will present improvisational theatre as a result of a seminar project on 29 April 2016
Marathon of Events for the Uni’s Anniversary
To celebrate 180 years since its founding and the institutions that were its predecessors, the university will hold a Festival Week around May 2nd, 2016 with guests from near and far
8th AC21 International Forum 2016 starts at TU Chemnitz
Rich program for national and international participants from 30 April to 3 May 2016
“Chemnitz is the Perfect Place to Study!“
491 new graduates of the TU Chemnitz received a formal sendoff at the Graduation Celebration on April 9th, 2016 in the St. Petri Church.
Chemnitz Delegation at the United Nations receives the highest award
During the world’s largest and most professional simulation of the United Nations (UN) the team from TU Chemnitz won four of the coveted awards, including the “Outstanding Delegation Award"
Family-friendliness is an Important Location Factor
TU Chemnitz, Saxony’s first family-friendly university, has once again proven that it deserves its good reputation
Global Innovative Networks
Premiere: The „AC21 International Forum“ will take place from 30 April to 3 May 2016 at Chemnitz – Registration open
A Celebration in Cap and Gown
The next Graduation Ceremony will take place on April 9th, 2016 – Registration is now open
Chinese Evening Party: Listen to Our Story
On 2 February 2016 a Chinese New Year Evening Party was celebrated on the university campus
From the Lecture Hall into the Center of World Politics
"Uni goes UNO": 17 students of the TU Chemnitz represent the central African country Chad at the world‘s largest UN simulation in New York in March 2016
Returning to Germany for Christmas
A Chinese student from the Sun Yat-sen University in China returns to Germany for her PhD studies one year after her semester abroad at the same English Department in Chemnitz
A Strong Network between University, Industry and City
The Technische Universität Chemnitz takes a positive view of the year 2015 and would like to thank all those who have contributed to the success
More Mobility for Asylum Seekers
In the self-help bicycle repair shop “Dr. Radinger” asylum seekers are provided with bicycles and spare parts by student Toni Scheider
Social advancement thanks to education
The world-wide known Indian educationalist and mathematician Anand Kumar presented his “Super 30”-project within a delegation visit at TU Chemnitz on December 1st, 2015
“Art and University”
The 2016 university calendar is published – the images are from education students and one TU graduate