University News: Studierende
New Appointment
Dr. Simon Kahmann was appointed by the President of Chemnitz University of Technology as a new junior professor on May 26, 2023
Third Common Room Opened at Chemnitz University of Technology
Requested in the TUCpanel student survey: Students can now also study and work in the new common room at the Wilhelm-Raabe-Straße 43 campus
Meeting Complex Challenges with Diversity
For the first Diversity Day at Chemnitz University of Technology, representatives engaged in conversations with students and staff – Over 200 ideas and suggestions for future diversity design were contributed by those interested
Motivated and Committed to Becoming a Fairtrade University
A steering group has been formed at Chemnitz University of Technology that coordinates activities around fair trade on the way to becoming a Fairtrade University and beyond
Film music and musical melodies in the lecture hall
Musical bridging between Bavaria and Saxony: Würzburg Project Orchestra gives a guest performance at the TU Chemnitz on June 8, 2023
New Appointment
PD Dr. Veronika Karnowski was appointed as a new professor by the rector of Chemnitz University of Technology on May 12, 2023.
Experience Fascinating Research at the Long Night of Science
On June 3, 2023, numerous highlights from the field of science draw visitors to Chemnitz University of Technology – Premiere for the Chemnitz Lecture Hall Slam
Chemnitz University of Technology Scores Multiple Times in CHE Ranking 2023/2024
The University excels in the currently ranked subjects of Business Administration, Economics, Business Sciences, Business Administration and Engineering, and Business Information Systems
Innovative Approaches to Urban Development from an Interdisciplinary Perspective
The International conference on “Making the City” scheduled from 29 June to 1 July 2023 at Chemnitz will discuss the impact of industrialisation on different aspects of society and culture
Vice Presidents Elected by the Senate of Chemnitz University of Technology
Senate of Chemnitz University of Technology elected Prof. Dr. Anja Strobel as Prorector and confirmed Prof. Dr. Uwe Götze and Prof. Dr. Maximilian Eibl in office
Focus: Digitalization of the Circular Economy for Increased Sustainability
Professorship of Production Systems and Processes at Chemnitz University of Technology contributes expertise in the field of Augmented Reality to an EU project focusing on large-scale recycling of electronic waste
Chemnitz University of Technology Signs Charter of Diversity
Chemnitz University of Technology focuses on a scientific and working culture that enables equal opportunities for all members and affiliates of the university and supports them in developing their individual talents and potentials
Authentic Videos Bring Chemnitz University of Technology Study Programs and Study Location to Life
In the new season of Chemnitz University of Technology's video campaign, ten study programs or study areas are presented in a multifaceted way – two additional videos provide insights into life in Chemnitz and show how to achieve the perfect start to university studies
New Appointments at the University
As of April 1, 2023, three professors have been newly appointed to Chemnitz University of Technology by the president and one professor was additionally nominated
Mathematics Early-Enrollment Student Completes Challenging Course with Top Grade
Gifted student Melia Haase from Zschopau studies mathematics as an early student at Chemnitz University of Technology and achieved an outstanding semester exam
University Library Offers Introduction Services for Freshmen
On April 19 and 20, 2023, Chemnitz University Library will provide information about its offerings for first-year students in online courses - Lecturers at Chemnitz University of Technology can book individual group tours for five or more people
Automated Driving in Inner Cities Moves a Step Closer
STADT:up: Chemnitz University of Technology is part of a consortium researching concepts and pilot applications for comfortable automated driving in urban areas
Central Course Guidance Service at Chemnitz University of Technology Expands Its Guidance Services
In addition to individual guidance sessions, the service hotline and information on the Internet, the student advising team will in future also offer workshops in various formats and on-campus student advising
Support Services for Students in Financial Need
Studentenwerk Chemnitz-Zwickau provides information about support services for students who, e.g. are particularly hard hit by increased prices in the energy crisis
Information on the One-Time Payment of an Energy Price Allowance for Students
Application for the one-time payment of 200 euros is possible for enrolled students and enrolled doctoral candidates with permanent residence or habitual residence in the Federal Republic of Germany as of 15 March 2023