University News: International
International Symposium in the Field of Lightweight Construction
Manufacturing processes suitable for large-scale production of lightweight structures are key technologies – The Federal Cluster of Excellence MERGE invites to the IMTC 2015
Charisma Far Beyond the Region
Members of the Excellence Council of the Federal Cluster of Excellence MERGE - Merge Technologies for Multifunctional Lightweight Structures caught up on the current state of research
Chemnitz Rector voted to DAAD Executive Committee
The Executive Committee of the German Academic Exchange Service was chosen for the 2016-2020 term, and Prof. Dr. Arnold van Zyl was among those elected
One Study Program, Two Languages, Two Countries
New German-Polish Master program grants students a bilingual and transcultural education in Chemnitz and Wroclaw
Impetus for Regional Collaboration
Rectors from universities in the Czech Republic and Saxony were guests of the TU Chemnitz on June 18th, 2015
TU Chemnitz ranks among the Winners of the “Study & Work” Competition
Universities were recognized for their strategies in engaging international skilled workers in the German job market – close cooperation in the Work Group for the Securement of Skilled Workers in Chemnitz
Media Offerings for Asylum Seekers
The Professorship of Media and Communication and the Bon Courage Society work together on media offerings for asylum seekers
Chemnitz’s Cutting-Edge Research Grows Even More International
Federal Cluster of Excellence MERGE of the TU Chemnitz is an important stimulus for sustainable development in the field of lightweight construction
The Research Complex of the Federal Cluster of Excellence will be expanded
Finance Minister Unland: “One of the most important milestones for top-level research in Saxony is achieved with the construction of the MERGE-machine” - Two more construction phases are to follow
Happy Birthday, BEOLINGUS!
It grows and grows and grows: The online dictionary of the Technische Universität Chemnitz is celebrating its 20th anniversary, and sends its thanks to millions of users
German–Polish Bridge Building
Delegation from Opole as a guest at the Technische Universität Chemnitz - Appointment of Prof. Dr. Marek Tukiendorf to the Excellence Council of the Federal Cluster of Excellence MERGE
In Focus: Your Professional Future
For the Day of Industry and Science on the May 20th, 2015, the WIK-Chemnitz Career Fair offers contacts to companies for jobs, internships and thesis topics as well as an extensive supporting program
From healthy drums up to the flashes in the laboratory
Lively, gesture-rich and highly exciting: On 30 May 2015, TU Chemnitz offers comprehensive participatory and advisory services for the Open Day
Because of Love
Sociology meets Production Technology: Mariana Mondragon Contreras, Student in the Master Program Management and Organisation Studies, from Mexico to Chemnitz via Munich
Micro loudspeaker with high market potential
Successful cooperation of scientists of Fraunhofer ENAS and Center for Microtechnologies with the Tohoku University Sendai, Japan, in the field of micro-electromechanical systems
Printed speakers make the photos sound
The Institute for Print and Media Technology provided a picture book with printed electronics at the World Press Photo competition and, thus, created for each winning photograph a sound environment
City rally, guided city tour and welcome party
The orientation week for more than 330 newly enrolled international students of TU Chemnitz finished with a welcome dinner
TU Chemnitz will host conference of the network AC21
The international network AC21 funds scientific workshop in material sciences at the Faculty of Natural Sciences in October 2015 by a total of 10.000 US dollar
Call for Applications: InProTUC supports the Mobility of Young Scientists
Until 11th May 2015 doctoral candidates can apply for funding of conference attendance, research visits and insight visits under the new project InProTUC
Call for Papers: Conference and Workshop to Color- and Functional Printing
Junior scientiests from the Print and Media industry can submit Abstracts until March 15th, 2015 for the scientific conference "Printing Future Days"