University News: International
Vote for the 2019 PR Image Award
A photo from Jacob Müller of the Chemnitz University of Technology Press Office has made it to the final selection stage and is in the running for the best PR Image of the Year
Operating on Hips in a Virtual Operating Room
Researchers from Chemnitz and Bremen are developing a virtual reality simulator for a particularly critical step in hip joint implantation
New “ServiceLine” is Here to Keep You Informed
Getting off to a good start in Winter Semester 2019/2020: Chemnitz University of Technology offers telephone counseling sessions and study information prior to the start of the semester
Running Together for the University
Compete on behalf of Chemnitz University of Technology at the WiC Company Run on 4 September 2019 – Registration is open until 24 August – TUC running shirts will be available after 26 August
Human-Centred Product Development Using Virtual Reality
Chemnitz University of Technology is developing a new software solution in a BMWi-sponsored project that aims at the betterment of the human-centred research and development process
New Appointment at the University
On 1 August 2019, a new professor was appointed by the university president – Prof. Dr. Christian Pentzold will lead the Professorship of Communication and Media Studies
Initial results of an international survey of the student strikes for the climate - UPDATE: Video clip and further information is available
The Professorship for Central and Eastern European Studies participated in an international survey of the #FridaysForFuture worldwide student protests.
Artificial Intelligence That Enables Healthy Aging
State Ministry for Higher Education, Research and the Arts sponsors research project on AI-based care for the elderly
High-Performance Testing in Fuel Cell Research
Chemnitz University of Technology and Continental Powertrain are cooperatively developing advanced fuel cell systems - Video available
Why International Students Drop Out of Studies/ University at a Higher Rate
DAAD presented the interim findings of a study at Chemnitz University of Technology
Sensitive, Despite Thick Calluses
In the current issue of Nature, kinesiologists from Chemnitz and biologists from Harvard examine the influence of walking barefoot on the sensitivity of the soles of our feet
Two Million Euros for a Unique Brake Testing System
Chemnitz University of Technology has received new large-scale equipment for the testing of brake components – the biggest large-scale equipment financing that the German Research Foundation has given the university
Internationalization of Chemnitz University of Technology strides ahead measurably
Chemnitz University of Technology advanced in many categories of the current ranking survey “Profile data of internationalization of German universities” of the German Rectors’ Conference/ DAAD
New record in DAAD funding
TU Chemnitz generates more than 1.65 million euros in third-party funding from DAAD programs for international mobility and projects
Driving research for more efficient semiconductors
Chemnitz University of Technology is participating in Power2Power, the Infineon-led European research project for high-performance semiconductors
Chemnitz Physicist is Going to the 69th Annual Nobel Laureate Meeting
A festival of scientific exchange: On 30 June 2019 young scientist Johannes Aprojanz will be in Lindau, networking with Nobel Prize winners from all over the world
How to deal with conflicting truths
Academics from Chemnitz University of Technology and Southeastern Europe strive to overcome publishing challenges as part of a DAAD project workshop in Serbia
Association for Anglophone Postcolonial Studies Elects New President and Board
The incoming board is headed by Prof. Cecile Sandten (Chemnitz University of Technology) as President
Intermetallic Compounds in Catalysis
International Symposium on September 17-19, 2019 at Chemnitz University of Technology
Statement from the Chemnitz University of Technology Academic Senate: An Open-Minded, Democratic City
The Chemnitz University of Technology Academic Senate adopts an official stance on the recent elections