University News: International
Career Coach helps Internationals to Start Their Career
New program from the Career Service is especially aimed at international students and alumni
From Psychological Benefits of Prostheses to Age-Appropriate User Interfaces
Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk participates in the 8th German Diversity Day on 26 May 2020 and looks at research at the interface between man and technology at Chemnitz University of Technology.
Surgery Training with Robots and Virtual Reality
The insertion of hip implants places high demands on surgeons - To help young doctors practice this operation under realistic conditions, scientists from the University of Bremen and Chemnitz continue developing their hip implant simulator
New Appointment to the University
On 1 May 2020, a new professor was appointed at Chemnitz University of Technology - Prof. Dr. Martina Hentschel is now head of the Professorship of Theoretical Physics of Complex Dynamic Systems
Electrical Engineer by profession
Muhammad Maaz Younis from Pakistan came to Germany to study Embedded Systems at TU Chemnitz – How this has changed his outlook on life
Chemnitz Computer Scientist Makes Name for Himself in Artificial Intelligence
“AI 2000 Annual List:” Prof. Dr. Martin Gaedke is one of the most influential scientists worldwide in the field of artificial intelligence
Business Information Systems at Chemnitz University of Technology Remains at the Top
For the sixth time in a row, the Business Information Systems program is in the top ten in the WirtschaftsWoche university ranking - high appreciation of practical experience for graduates
Change, Please!
Student survey: TUCpanel 2020 has started
Where Expertise is pooled into COVID-19
Sociologist Prof. Dr. Peter Kriwy from Chemnitz is the spokesman of the section of medical and health sociology of the German Sociological Association and is involved in the competence network Public Health on COVID-19
University Library Interior Construction Enters Next Phase
With the delivery of the shelves, the interior construction of the new university library in the Alte Aktienspinnerei continues as planned
In Focus: Bio-Based Lightweight Sandwich Structures for Rotor Blades
ESF junior research group “ecoWing” at Chemnitz University of Technology is working on a process chain for the automated processing of renewable lightweight materials.
Digital Momentum for Participation Processes in Rural Areas
Research project by Chemnitz University of Technology and Goethe University Frankfurt investigates perspectives and possible applications of digital participation processes in rural regional development.
Anniversary for DAAD projects, ERASMUS Partnerships and joint publications
After ten years of Balkan Cooperation First Meeting of English specialists in Kosovo
From the University to the Private Sector, and Back Again
Dr. Benny Liebold is the new head of the International Office at Chemnitz University of Technology
The Smallest Microelectronic Robot in the World
In the cover story of the prestigious “Nature Electronics” magazine, an international research team led by Chemnitz University of Technology presents a new type of microelectronic system
The perfect thread guide
Researchers at Chemnitz University of Technology, in cooperation with Pfeil GmbH, are developing a new type of blind stitch sewing technology for the production of high-performance lightweight components
Second Open letter from the President regarding the Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2)
Update: 12 March 2020, 5:15 am
Cooperation with multinational companies hampers internationalization of co-located start-ups
Prof. Dr. Suleika Bort studied the influence of multinational companies on the internationalization behaviour of co-located start-ups – with publication in an international top-journal
Eliminating Borders via Cross-Border Cooperation
Chemnitz University of Technology and seven partner universities apply to be a “European Cross Border University”
Better Climbing with a Virtual Mentor
A research project focused on automated movement analysis while bouldering is being funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy