University News: Familie
Chemnitz University of Technology raises rainbow flags and colors logo for Christopher Street Day
On Christopher Street Day Chemnitz 2021, Chemnitz University of Technology raises the rainbow flag on all its flagpoles, dyes its logo in rainbow colors, and thus again sets a sign for tolerance, diversity, and cosmopolitanism.
"Laufend gegen Krebs" Run Postponed – Digital Race Starting 13 May
The run on the sports field at Chemnitz University of Technology has to be postponed from May until autumn - organizers invite you on a virtual run for a good cause starting 13 May 2020
A Memorable Evening in a Special Atmosphere
Around 1,000 guests enjoyed a rousing evening in the courtyard of the Böttcher Building - Video available
A Special Evening in a Unique Atmosphere
The 3rd annual TUCsommernacht will take place on 22 June 2019, with a full programme and student-friendly ticket prices – online sales will end on June 14th
Federal President Steinmeier visits Chemnitz University of Technology
From internationalisation to start-ups to teacher training: Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier spoke with several representatives from the university on 19 May 2019
The TU Christmas Market Opens Its Doors
On 6 December 2018, TU Chemnitz opens their Christmas Market at the Orangerie to all – and the Chemistry Christmas Lecture starts at 15:30
Festive Concert in the Lecture Hall Theater
The TU-Chemnitz Collegium musicum will play works from Mendelssohn, Debussy, and Schumann on November 17, 2018
Reaction to enquiries from students, prospective students and parents about recent events in Chemnitz
When Chemnitz Celebrates, the Uni is Right in the Middle
Chemnitz University presents three performances at the City Festival on August 25, 2018
New Campus Daycare Center Makes Chemnitz University Even More Family-Friendly
University President Prof. Strohmeier, State Minister Dr. Stange and Chemnitz Mayor Ludwig officially open the new on-campus “Campulino” daycare center
Sundays in the Uni Library
A test run of a new contribution to improving studying conditions at Chemnitz University: Campus Library I will extend its opening hours in July
Golden Rules for Everyday Sustainability
The Professorship of Corporate Environmental Management and Sustainability at Chemnitz University offers practical tips to promote sustainability in all aspects of everyday life
Prospective students
New “Studying in Chemnitz” Landing Page is Online
A modern advisory service: Chemnitz University answers your academics- and career-related questions with the “Studying in Chemnitz” information portal – quicker navigation via the uni’s website
Journey Through the World of Jazz
TU Big Band performs on January 22, 2018 in the “End of Semester Concert” at Weltecho in Chemnitz
Chemnitz celebrates industrial culture between the past and the future
From technical textiles to the car power of tomorrow: Chemnitz University participates in the 8th Industrial Heritage Days from September 22nd to 24th, 2017.
Computer-based memory training
A survey serving science: Chemnitz University needs participants for learning survey in July and August
Premiere for the „TUC Summer Night“
New event format for the complete university public will replace the previous "Frühlingsgala"
A successful premiere all around
The events around the „Tag der Universität“ on May 20, 2017, attracted over 6,000 guests
The Christmas Market Opens its Gates
The TU Chemnitz invites young and old alike to its Christmas Market at the Plaza in front of the Weinhold-Bau on December 1st, 2016
Icecold Taste Explosions
Chemistry meets Cuisine: Prof. Dr. Heinrich Lang illustrates what he associates with molecular cooking at the “Bar Ausgleich” in the campus canteen on November 23, 2016