# This is an example for the data file.
# Lines like this with a # at beginning are comments.
# Words between < > are section headers.
# Comments are allowed before a section-header but not between
# section-header and following data.
# Please remove unused sections with header or make a comment with a #.
# Please use international Latex umlauts, e.g. \"a \"o \"u {\ss}.
This is my title
Manfred Mustermann
# coauthors from the same institution like the speaker
Hansi Helferlein
Technische Universit\"at Chemnitz
Fakult\"at f\"ur Mathematik
12345 Chemnitz
# another coauthor, but from an other institution
Ali Baba
Desert University
Department of Mathematics
9876 Ranavir
# now comes the abstract in LATEX style
In my work I want to show you ...
\left[ \dot{s}(t) \atop \dot{v}(t) \right] &=&
\left[ \begin{array}{cc} 0 & 1 \\ 0 & 0 \\ \end{array} \right]
\left[ s(t) \atop v(t) \right] +
\left[ 0 \atop \frac{1}{m} \right] u(t) \\
And so we can assume, that ...
# some references
M. Mustermann, H. Helferlein, A. Baba: On my topic.
Preprint 1234, Desert University, 2000.
Submitted to ...