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Computational Physics
Computational Physics

Driving Simulation

Driving Simulation is a widespread tool to analyze vehicle dynamics and evaluate control algorithms. The simulation of the vehicles surrounding is a major requirement for an increase in automation. Here, physical approaches are used such as potential fields to represent obstacles and the road. This is utilized to derive simple control mechanism for autonomous vehicle control.

Today, the driver is still in charge of a vehicle and therefore in the focus of interest when it comes to prediction of driver intention. Information about an upcoming maneuver by the driver is highly valuable for the development of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS). Naturalistic driving analysis give an understanding of driver’s behavior. Stochastically modeling with Hidden Markov Models (HMM) or mathematical models lead to predictive approaches to determine the driver’s intention to change lanes or turn at intersections. This is a key requirement for automated vehicles to be used in today’s traffic environment.

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