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Professur Chemische Physik

Polymers and Collagens

Polymers are long-chain molecules composed of several 100 to 1000 similar molecular units called monomers. The string-like shape of polymer molecules is the reason for the remarkable physical properties of modern plastics and the connective tissue of vertebrates.

Our research focuses on the biomechanics of collagen fibrils and connective tissues at the nanometer scale. We study the spatially complex structure of these biological materials and the physicochemical basis of their mechanical properties using atomic force microscopy and computer simulations. We are developing a multisensory interface that allows humans to perceive nanomechanical properties through touch and other senses. Our research is interdisciplinary and we focus on the fundamentals.

Research topics Hearing, Sight, and Touch in the Nanoworld Nanobiomechanics Nanotomography Auxetic ePP Aging stripes Molecular dynamics Semiconducting polymers MUSIC-mode AFM Publications Dissertations