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Summer School in Croatia, July 2018  

Credibility, Honesty, Ethics, and Politeness in Academic and Journalistic Writing (CHEP 2018)

The summer school in Croatia, in 2018, is a continuation of the successful 2017 summer school in Macedonia, which was characterized by a great learning and friendly environment, at the shore of lake Ohrid. For the 2018 summer school in Croatia (Split), we met our project partners and their students from Ohrid/Bitola, Skopje, Vlora, Nis and Split. Split is the second largest city of Croatia with a wonderful coast along the adriatic sea and an ancient tradition. In a friendly enviroment and through discussions in mixed groups and various activities, the students learned more about journalistic and academic writing, which are very relevant for their everyday life (e.g. learning to recognize biases), present academic commitments (e.g. writing a better final thesis) and future careers. They got to know different cultures and engaged in interactive activities. There were also short presentations by every teacher (see Teacher Presentations) and extra-curricular activities. Every participant will receive a copy of the REAL14 book published by the project team in 2018.

Students willing to participate had to apply be sending a 1-2000-word report in English (as an example of academic or journalistic writing) on "Credibility ..." from their own university or life experience to their university coordinators or to Vincenzo.



Photos from the Summer School in Split, Croatia

Student Comments: " I think I improved my public-speaking skills and my research skills [...] I think it will help me in my future career" "[...] It changed my view on the reality [and] news. I used to 'believe' in everything I found or read on the internet."

"[...] the main purpose of this project..is the cooperation and unification of people from the Balkans, but not only..academic..but also cultural..and that is not easy to achieve...[In that sense,] the project completely fulfilled its mission. I made friends from countries that are not politically close to each-other, and felt very warm and accepted [...]"...

"[I reccomed other students to attend the next SS because] it's a great experience and you definitely get reshaped as a person."

Teacher Presentations 

Student Presentations 

National Groups: Vlora-CHEP, Bitola-CHEP in the political events in Macedonia, Skopje (Iskra, Milena)-(Im)Politeness, Skopje (Ivana, Tijana P)-Plagiarism, Nis-CHEP, Split (Sara)-CHEP, Split (Teresa)-CHEP: A Croatian Perspective

Mixed Groups: G1-Movement in the Eye G2-Two Sides of a Story, G3- Split, Multiple Truths, G4-Tourism in Split Analyzed

Related Material and Links

Press Release; Info. on studying at TU Chemnitz, its exchange program and Split: Information Sheet SplitInfo. Erasmus Incoming TU Chemnitz, TUC Erasmus Application Form, Flyer MA English Studies TUC

Basics on News and Journalism: Bennett2016 // From News on Crises to Crisis of the News: On Fake News: FactCheckinGoogleNews 13/10/17, ZEIT Veles Fake News 18.12.16Stanford History Education Group 21/11/16, In Macedonia's Fake News Hub 02/12/17, Alternative Narratives 17, Veles Alt News Complex 15/02/17

Fact-Checking Websites: FactCheck, FactCheckEU (inactive), Poynter, Example May 2017: Trump Fires FBI Director