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Fakultät für Naturwissenschaften
Fakultät für Naturwissenschaften
Fakultät für Naturwissenschaften 

Faculty of Natural Sciences

The Faculty of Natural Sciences Unites the Institute of Chemistry and the Institute of Physics.

The faculty for natural sciences offers:

attractive study offers and excellent study conditions
Bachelor's courses of studies in:
Master courses of studies in:
a modern, internationally and interdisciplinary straightened research sphere.

The Research
if the narrow interweaving is exemplary between chemistry and physics. She reveals herself in particular in the institute-covering research topics of the faculty:

  • Complex Materials
  • Molecular Systems
  • Scientific Modelling and Simulation
  • Sensors and Cognition

In the field of Teaching
if the disciplinal courses of studies chemistry and physics and the professional-covering courses of studies Computational Science, Sensorik and cognitive psychology as well as economic physics are offered.