Technical Equipment
Raman microscope
Combination of optical microscopy and high-resolution, confocal Raman spectroscopyDevice: RENISHWA inVia
- Non-destructive and invasive analysis of solids and liquids without sample preparation
- Non-contact analysis method for material characterization
- Spectroscopic detection and analysis of the inelastic scattering of monochromatic laser light
- Choice of 3 different monochromatic laser light sources
- (λ = 633 nm; 17 mW)
- (λ = 532 nm; 100 mW)
- (λ = 785 nm; 300 mW)
- In-situ analysis possible using a heated sample holder
- Wide range of applications: materials science, semiconductors, geosciences, pharmacy, forensics
- Graphical representation of the local and spatial distribution of numerous values of the signals (Raman imaging)
- Qualitative and quantitative analysis possible
- Analyzes in the near IR range without disturbing fluorescence
- Raman signals provide information about the vibrational or rotational states of molecules (molecular or lattice vibrations) and contain statements about:
- Structural characteristics of the molecules
- molecular groups
- conformational
- phase transformations
- decomposition processes

Contact Person

Dr.-Ing. Maik Trautmann
- Telefon:+49 371 531-38846
- Fax:+49 371 531-838846
- Raum:3, 3/A104
- E-Mail: