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Professorship Machine Elements and Product Development
Strength Of Gearing

Gear drives cover a wide range of converters with uniform gear ratios. This is based on their advantages in the area of load transmission, flexibility and their running characteristics. Depending on the application parameters, the design must be made either with regards to the load-bearing capacity of the flank or the tooth root. Due to the complete failure in the event of damage, the bearing capacity of the tooth root is the more critical aspect.

At the Chair of Machine Elements and Product Development we have been working for over 20 years on the analysis of tooth root load-bearing capacity - mainly of worm gears. In addition to the analysis of existing tooth geometries, the focus here is also on the synthesis of gears with increased tooth root bearing capacity. Due to the material selection of worm gears, various bronze materials were examined in more detail. The weldability of bronze with cast iron or steel was also developed on the worm wheel. Strength of Gearing

Within this research area, various calculation tools up to semi-automatic numerical calculation programs were developed. This allows existing gears to be analyzed and new geometries to be synthesized with regard to high tooth root bearing capacity. For the verification of the analytical and numerical calculation results of the tooth root bearing capacity are used for both running test rigs as well as Pulsator test rigs. Strength of Gearing
Strength of Gearing

Validierung der örtlichen Zahnfußtragfähigkeitsberechnung

Laufzeit:2 Monate
Startzeitpunkt:Apr 2018
Bearbeiter:Jan Reißmann

Untersuchungen der Schweißnahtfestigkeit von elektronenstrahl-geschweißten Bronze-Gusseisen-Schneckenrädern

Laufzeit:18 Monate
Endzeitpunkt:Nov 2010
Bearbeiter:Jan Reißmann
Colin Kern

Optimierung der Zahnfuß-Tragfähigkeit von Schneckenrädern

Laufzeit:24 Monate
Endzeitpunkt:May 2012
Bearbeiter:Jan Reißmann

Berechnung der Schneckenrad-Zahnfußfestigkeit mittels örtlicher Spannungen

Laufzeit:18 Monate
Endzeitpunkt:Nov 2015
Bearbeiter:Jan Reißmann