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Chair of Materials and Surface Engineering
Materials and Surface Engineering
Chair of Materials and Surface Engineering 

WOT employee Dr.-Ing. habil. Thomas Grund receives TUC awards

On 14 November 2024, Chemnitz University of Technology honoured the outstanding achievements of its members and associates in the areas of study, teaching, research and transfer as well as social commitment. Dr habil. Thomas Grund receives both a teaching and a research award.

In order to recognise outstanding achievements by its members and affiliates, Chemnitz University of Technology awards annual teaching, research and transfer prizes as well as other university prizes, gender equality prizes and scholarships.

Dr.-Ing. habil. Thomas Grunder received the „Teaching Award for Outstanding Teaching“ 2024 for his lecture series „Metallic Materials“, which he designed for prospective primary school teachers. He was also awarded the research prize in the category „DFG – Successful DFG Initial Proposal“ 2024 together with Dr Andreas Kunke, research associate at the Chair of Forming Technology, for their jointly acquired project "Thermomechanical short-term treatment of high-alloy martensitic stainless steels (MNS) for improved energy efficiency in sheet steel processing" funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG)

The Rector of Chemnitz University of Technology, Prof. Dr Gerd Strohmeier, warmly congratulated all the award winners and scholarship holders at the ceremony organised by Chemnitz University of Technology at which the prizes were awarded.

A detailed press release on all contents and reasons for the prizes as well as the prize winners can be found on the TU Chemnitz website at:

Picture: Dr.-Ing. habil. Thomas Grund (2nd from left) together with Dr Andreas Kunke (2nd from right) during the presentation of the TUC Research Award in the category „DFG – Successful DFG First Proposal“ by Rector Prof. Dr Gerd Strohmeier (right) and Prof. Dr Maximilian Eibl (left), Vice-Rector for Teaching and International Affairs. (Photo: Jacob Müller, TUC Press Office)

18.11.2024 – Prices of the professorship ( )