Invitation to the Freiberg WWK seminar
On 29 January 2024, Prof. Lampke was invited by the Institute of Materials Engineering IWT at TU Bergakademie Freiberg to give a lecture on the topic of „Cold-hardenable iron-based coating materials“. The WOT took the opportunity to visit the Chair of Materials Engineering headed by Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Horst Biermann, to advance a joint research project.
Prof Lampke's lecture took place as part of the Materials Science Colloquium at TU Bergakademie Freiberg. In this regular series of seminars for members and students of the IWT, the latest topics in materials science and materials technology are presented by guests and then discussed in detail. The latest results of the WOT on the thermal spraying of work-hardening high-manganese steels and the mechanical post-treatment of coatings by diamond smoothing were received with great interest by the audience of around 40. Many in-depth questions were discussed in detail in a half-hour discussion session afterwards.
However, the invitation to Freiberg was also used to visit the colleagues and laboratories of the Chair of Materials Engineering. The head of the department, Prof Biermann, gave the WOT guests a guided tour of the workspaces and equipment. Of particular interest were the plasma nitriding systems, which are to be used in the planned work of a joint research project on the modelling and simulation of plasma nitriding processes.
Picture: (from left) Prof Thomas Lampke, Maximilian Grimm, Dr Thomas Grund and Dr Lisa Winter in front of the announcement of the WOT lecture at the Freiberg Materials Science Colloquium (Photo: private)
1.2.2024 – Cooperations of the professorship ( thomas.grund@mb… )