Second student excursion to the Fraunhofer Centre for High-Temperature Lightweight Construction HTL Bayreuth
After a successful first event in December and due to high demand from the students, the second event on the topic of „production of ceramic matrix composites“ took place on 11 January. Ten students and two members of staff from the Chair of Materials and Surface Technology at Chemnitz University of Technology took the opportunity to meet the team from the Fraunhofer Centre for High-Temperature Lightweight Construction HTL in Bayreuth in person.
Of course, all participants also gained interesting insights into the various aspects of manufacturing and testing ceramic matrix composites (CMC). After an interactive and informative introductory lecture by Prof Friedrich Raether, three groups were formed, which alternated between different workshops. One workshop was supervised by Dr Liviu Dan Toma and Rüdiger Schulte and offered an insight into the HTL's production facilities. Another workshop, led by Jan-Marcel Hausherr, focussed on computed tomography analysis methods and the associated challenges and opportunities. In the third workshop, Dr Kirsten Schulze presented an experimental test rig in which samples are exposed to short laser beam pulses and measured thermo-optically.
We would like to thank everyone involved for their time, their hospitality and for the organisation and realisation of this exciting seminar!
Pictures: Impressions of the workshop (Photos: private)
24.1.2024 – Events of the professorship ( rico.drehmann@mb… )