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Chair of Materials and Surface Engineering
Materials and Surface Engineering

IWW kompakt - Colloquium and closed conference with strong response

  • On 2 November 2023, the IWW and the Förderverein Innovative Materialien IWW e.V. invited guests to the IWW Day. This annual event consists of the association's general meeting, the IWW colloquium and an IWW retreat. (Photo: IWW)
  • The IWW Day was opened by the board of the IWW e.V., Prof. Thomas Lampke (Chairman of the Board, centre), Prof. Guntram Wagner and Prof. Bernhard Wielage (from right). (Photo: IWW)
  • Andreas Schubert, Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at Chemnitz University of Technology. (Photo: IWW)
  • Prof Guntram Wagner, IWW Institute Director, reported on the Institute's projects, people, equipment and scientific successes in the current calendar year. (Photo: IWW)
  • As part of the IWW Colloquium, guests at the IWW Day were given an insight into current IWW projects and those of former colleagues. Prof. Andreas Undisz kicked off the event with a presentation on the planning, construction progress and performance data of the new TEM Centre at Chemnitz University of Technology. (Photo: IWW)
  • Other specialist presentations at the IWW colloquium were given by former IWW colleagues. Pictured here: Dr Maximilian Sieber from CCM Compressor & Components Manufacturing GmbH, Zschopau, during his presentation on "Flying molecules, weighty wires and high pressure". (Photo: IWW)
  • Other specialist presentations at the IWW colloquium were given by former IWW colleagues. Pictured here: Dr Thomas Mäder from the Fraunhofer Institute for Machine Tools and Forming Technology in Chemnitz during his presentation on "Shape memory alloys as sensor material". (Photo: IWW)
  • The general meeting of the IWW Sponsors' Association and the IWW Colloquium provided many opportunities for personal and professional dialogue. (Photo: IWW)
  • The personal and professional exchange among the guests continued during the evening at the IWW conference in a relaxed atmosphere during the get-together in the Chemnitz restaurant Max Louis. (Photo: IWW)
  • The IWW retreat was partially accompanied by an instrumental trio. (Photo: IWW)

On Thursday, 2 November 2023, the Institute of Materials Science and Engineering together with the Förderverein Innovative Materialien IWW e.V. invited to the three events InnoMat IWW e.V. General Meeting, IWW Colloquium and IWW Retreat. The general meeting and the colloquium took place in the MeTeOr project house in the Erfenschlag part of Chemnitz University of Technology.

In accordance with its statutes, the non-profit association supports the activities of the department and also awards an annual Deutschlandstipendium scholarship. The Executive Board provided detailed information on the content, personnel and financial development of the association, which is growing steadily and welcomed 14 new members in the past financial year. The Managing Director of the IWW reported on various events at the institute, in particular the thematic focus and the research projects acquired, on the basis of which a positive balance could be drawn.

The second part of the event - the IWW colloquium - was opened by a welcoming address from the Dean, Prof Andreas Schubert. He recognised the IWW as a strong pillar of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at Chemnitz University of Technology and reflected knowledgeably on the further development of the institute. The large audience eagerly followed the lecture by IWW Professor Andreas Undisz, who, following the recent laying of the foundation stone, gave a talk entitled "Now it's time to build! The new TEM Centre for Chemnitz University of Technology", he began by talking about the construction process, but in particular about the outstanding research conditions from 2025. With this centre, Chemnitz University of Technology will be playing in the premier league in terms of microstructure characterisation.

In the two presentations that followed, the speakers began by talking about their scientific careers, starting with their studies at Chemnitz University of Technology and their doctorates at the IWW. Dr Maximilian Sieber, CCM Compressor & Components Manufacturing GmbH, Zschopau, took the participants on a tour of interesting R&D topics under the heading "(K)ein oberflächlicher Rundumschlag; Fliegende Moleküle, gewichtige Drähte und hoher Druck" ((Not) a superficial all-round blow; flying molecules, weighty wires and high pressure), which he can only successfully work on at his current place of work thanks to his pronounced "hands-on qualities". Dr Thomas Mäder from the Fraunhofer Institute for Machine Tools and Forming Technology in Chemnitz showed in his presentation "Shape memory alloys as sensor material; novel strain sensors for safe components and powerful breathing" how structural health monitoring can be carried out safely using miniaturised components. In his outlook, he also discussed a sensory belt that can detect and monitor human breathing, based on component health.

The evening IWW retreat was characterised by a large get-together at the Max Louis. The almost 100 guests, consisting of research and development partners, current and former employees of the Institute of Materials Science and Engineering, alumni and student assistants, had a lot to talk about and exchanged views on future R&D topics and joint activities. The evening was once again accompanied by a Polish trio with soft sounds at a high musical level.

We look forward to the sequel in November 2024!


Pictures: On 2 November 2023, the IWW and the Förderverein Innovative Materialien IWW e.V. invited guests to the IWW Day. This annual event consists of the association's general meeting, the IWW colloquium and an IWW retreat. (Photo: IWW)

21 Nov 2023 - Events of the professorship ( )