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Chair of Materials and Surface Engineering
Materials and Surface Engineering

WOT Thermal Coating Division extremely successful at ITSC 2023

At this year's International Thermal Spray Conference, ITSC, the staff of the Thermal Coating department were able to record two awards: Bianca Preuß received the audience award at the Young Professionals Session, and Dr. Thomas Lindner's team won third prize at the Best Poster Award.

ITSC 2023 took place between 22 and 25 May in Quebec/CAN. The annual event is the largest and most important conference in this field and is organised alternately by the German Welding Society (DVS) and the American Society for Materials (ASM) in different countries. With about 800 visitors, 300 lectures and 50 exhibiting companies, it is an important platform for knowledge exchange and international networking. The various ITSC awards thus achieve a strong radiance and are regarded as prestigious honours.

Bianca Preuß received her audience award in the Young Professionals Session. Here, scientists participating for the first time at ITSC are given the opportunity to present selected research results with high added value in five minutes to an international jury and the conference audience in a kind of science slam. The competition is very strong, with around 25 young professionals taking part. This year, Bianca Preuß was able to prevail against this competition with her work, Development of a wear-resistant self-fluxing thermal spray coating by solid lubricant incorporation. Andrew Ang, the ASM Thermal Spray Vice President, presented her with the prize at a ceremony.

Finally, Bianca Preuß, representing Dr. Thomas Lindner and his working group, received the third prize for her poster on the topic of „Enhanced Abrasion Resistance of Laser Metal Deposited X120Mn12 by Turning and Diamond Smoothing“.


Bianca Preuß receiving her ITSC Oerlikon Young Professionals Crowd Favorite Award, presented by Andrew Ang (Photo: ASM International)

30.5.2023 – Prices of the professorship ( )