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Chair of Materials and Surface Engineering
Materials and Surface Engineering

Successful 23rd Materials Technology Colloquium at the IWW

On 29 and 30 March 2023, the Institute of Materials Science and Engineering (IWW) organised the Materials Engineering Colloquium for the 23rd time. Around 200 scientists and representatives from industry took the opportunity to exchange information about current research results in materials, surface and joining technology.

Almost 200 national and international participants took advantage of this attractive platform for scientific discussions and networking with experts from research and industry. In a total of 64 lectures, the latest results from the thematic diversity of materials engineering issues were presented. In addition, an industry forum and an exhibition area provided opportunities for the transfer of academic results into further R&D tasks and applications.

At the evening event of the colloquium, the drummers of the Hibiki Daiko e.V. created a great atmosphere with a Japanese drum show. In addition, three poster prizes were awarded that evening.

We would like to thank all participants and staff for their contributions to the success of this year's WTK.

Further impressions of the 23rd WTK and its predecessors can be found under: https://www.tu-chemnitz.de/mb/iww/wtk/archiv.php

The official press release for the event can be found at: https://www.tu-chemnitz.de/tu/pressestelle/aktuell/11807


Photo: The participants of the 23rd WTK (Photo: Andreas Gester)

16.5.2023 – Events of the professorship ( )