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Chair of Materials and Surface Engineering
Materials and Surface Engineering

Meeting of the junior members of WAW e.V. at IWW

On 27 and 28 March 2023, the junior members of the Scientific Working Group of University Professors of Materials Engineering e.V. (WAW) at the Institute for Materials Science and Materials Engineering at TU Chemnitz.

The objectives of the association include the promotion and coordination of scientific work in the field of materials engineering and the promotion of scientific cooperation and the exchange of scientific experience.

Even though the number of participants was somewhat smaller than usual due to the warning strike in local and long-distance transport on the day of arrival, the organising professorships WOT and PVW offered the participants of the Junior WAW meeting an exciting programme. Among other things, this included a lecture on the management of research data by Prof. Dr. Klaus Stöwe, holder of the Chair of Chemical Technology at TU Chemnitz. Another contribution by Dr. Rico Drehmann from the WOT Chair presented the path from the idea to the approval of a DFG research group using the example of the FOR „Fundam3nt“. However, activating programme points, such as speed dating to find joint project ideas, were also sprinkled in again and again.

A highlight for all participants was the networking evening, where after a joint dinner an exclusive visit to the Saxon Museum of Archaeology SMAC was made possible outside its regular opening hours.

We are pleased with the consistently positive feedback from the participants and are happy to host a Junior WAW or even WAW meeting again in the future.


Photo: The participants of the Junior WAW meeting in Chemnitz in spring 2023

21.4.2023 – Events of the professorship ( )