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Chair of Materials and Surface Engineering
Materials and Surface Engineering

PhD seminar 2022 – From the idea to the (almost) finished dissertation

For several years now, the doctoral seminar at the Chair of Materials and Surface Engineering has been an integral part of the programme for all young scientists who wish to pursue a doctorate at the Chair. From 11.07.2022 to 13.07.2022, a total of 15 internal and external junior researchers presented their doctoral thesis ideas and the current status of their doctoral project. Afterwards, the doctoral candidates received new starting points and ideas through an intensive discussion with the doctoral supervisor Prof. Thomas Lampke, experts and interested listeners, which they can now implement in the further course of their doctorate.

As in the previous year, the doctoral seminar was held with a limited number of participants in attendance at the university's Erfenschlag campus. At the same time, interested members of the audience were able to follow the lectures live on their computers. The discussion that followed the lecture particularly benefited from this method, as it allowed a larger audience to be involved.

The discussion between the doctoral researchers and their supervisor Prof. Lampke was additionally enriched by the presence of internal and external peer reviewers. With their professional expertise, they were able to provide new approaches and ideas for different kinds of challenges during the doctorate. The doctoral seminar also helps the young researchers to focus on their doctoral project, to formulate research hypotheses and to examine them systematically, and of course it also serves as a small exercise for the final disputation. Since each doctoral candidate has progressed differently in their own doctoral project, young researchers were able to benefit from the approach of the candidates who have progressed in the doctoral process and thus take away further important input for their own doctoral ideas.

This year's doctoral seminar was rounded off by dinner and a cosy get-together on the evening of the second day of the seminar, where doctoral supervisors, internal and external doctoral students and peer reviewers were able to engage in in-depth discussions.


Impressions of the event

29.7.2022 – Events of the professorship ( )