Innovative joining technology presented together with industry partner
On 23 June 2022, IDH Anlagenbau und Montage GmbH and the Chair of Materials and Surface Engineering presented jointly achieved R&D results at the BMWK's Innovation Day for SMEs. Selected projects from the cooperation of companies and research institutions were invited by the project management agency to present their innovative results with regard to new products, processes and services that were developed within the framework of the ZIM programme and funded by the federal government.
Presumably, the outstanding results and the practical relevance were decisive for the BMWK to issue a call for the presentation of the new joining technology using a welding gun. The basis for this is the completed project „Spot welding of metal-plastic composites by inductive heating of thermally sprayed layers“. With this technology, it is possible to join metals and thermoplastic polymers within a few seconds by thermal joining with high strength. The process is particularly suitable for joining cladding components in motor vehicles, trains and aircraft. The innovative approach developed by the Chair of Materials and Surface Technology consists of first applying a suitable layer to the plastic component by thermal spraying, which simultaneously acts as an induction susceptor and adhesion promoter. IDH Anlagenbau und Montagetechnik designed and manufactured the welding tongs. The expert audience showed great interest in the discussions at the exhibition stand. We will be happy to demonstrate this joining technology to other interested parties in our Chemnitz test field.
BMWK page:
Publication on the topic :
Carsten Koppetsch (left), project manager at IDH Anlagenbau und Montagetechnik, and Erik Saborowski (right), research assistant at the Chair of Materials and Surface Technology, demonstrate the spot joining of aluminium and polyamide with the developed tool to interested industry representatives.
26.7.2022 – Projects of the professorship ( erik.saborowski@mb… )