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Chair of Materials and Surface Engineering
Materials and Surface Engineering

Thermal Spray Experts as Guests

From April to June 2022, with Prof. Dr Lech Paw ł owski and Prof. Dr. Shrikant Joshi, two proven experts in the Thermal spraying guest at the Chair of Materials and Surface Engineering (WOT). The pioneer was the Visiting Scholar Programme of the TU Chemnitz, which aims to develop and deepen international research cooperation. In addition to joint research, guest lectures and the conception of specialist articles, many scientists and students at the Institute of Materials Science and Engineering (IWW) take advantage of the opportunity for professional exchange.

In addition to expert lectures and guest lectures, there was a lively exchange about possibilities for joint research approaches during the three-month stay. Already at the specialist conference RIPT in Jülich, the first results from the bilateral cooperation were presented to an international audience. In addition, the network was successfully used to identify suitable partners for a project consortium for a European m-era.net research proposal. The interlinking of the individual strengths of the three research institutions creates synergies and is the reason for the continuation of the lively research exchange. In future, students at the respective universities are to prepare topics on thermal spraying as part of their qualification theses, as the experimental possibilities complement each other ideally. Similarly, these opportunities should also be available to doctoral students and lead to research experiences in an international environment during shorter stays. The Visiting Scholar Programme of the TU Chemnitz was extremely valuable for all the projects mentioned and an ideal prerequisite for concrete international networking. A return visit on the occasion of the international conference TS4E in September 2023 in Trollhättan has already been voted.

Picture above:
Prof. Lech Pawłowski (left), Université de Limoges France, and Prof. Shrikant Joshi (right), University West Trollhättan Sweden

Prof. Shrikant Joshi Prof. Shrikant Joshi
Prof. Lech Pawłowski Prof. Lech Pawłowski

8.7.2022 – Personnel of the professorship ( )